
1 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <!DOCTYPE html>
2 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <html>
3 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <!-- This is an automatically generated file. Do not edit.
4 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Copyright (c) 2018 Stefan Sperling
5 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp
6 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
7 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above
8 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.
9 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp
17 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp -->
18 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <head>
19 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <meta charset="utf-8"/>
20 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <style>
21 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp table.head, table.foot { width: 100%; }
22 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp td.head-rtitle, td.foot-os { text-align: right; }
23 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp td.head-vol { text-align: center; }
24 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp div.Pp { margin: 1ex 0ex; }
25 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp div.Nd, div.Bf, div.Op { display: inline; }
26 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp span.Pa, span.Ad { font-style: italic; }
27 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp span.Ms { font-weight: bold; }
28 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp dl.Bl-diag > dt { font-weight: bold; }
29 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp code.Nm, code.Fl, code.Cm, code.Ic, code.In, code.Fd, code.Fn,
30 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp code.Cd { font-weight: bold; font-family: inherit; }
31 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </style>
32 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <title>TOG(1)</title>
33 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </head>
34 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <body>
35 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <table class="head">
36 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <tr>
37 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <td class="head-ltitle">TOG(1)</td>
38 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <td class="head-vol">General Commands Manual</td>
39 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <td class="head-rtitle">TOG(1)</td>
40 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </tr>
41 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </table>
42 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <div class="manual-text">
43 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <section class="Sh">
44 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <h1 class="Sh" id="NAME"><a class="permalink" href="#NAME">NAME</a></h1>
45 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Nm">tog</code> &#x2014;
46 c7bd9844 2019-08-05 stsp <div class="Nd">Git repository browser</div>
47 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </section>
48 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <section class="Sh">
49 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <h1 class="Sh" id="SYNOPSIS"><a class="permalink" href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a></h1>
50 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <table class="Nm">
51 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <tr>
52 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <td><code class="Nm">tog</code></td>
53 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <td><var class="Ar">command</var> [<code class="Fl">-h</code>]
54 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<var class="Ar">arg ...</var>]</td>
55 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </tr>
56 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </table>
57 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </section>
58 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <section class="Sh">
59 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <h1 class="Sh" id="DESCRIPTION"><a class="permalink" href="#DESCRIPTION">DESCRIPTION</a></h1>
60 c7bd9844 2019-08-05 stsp <code class="Nm">tog</code> is an interactive read-only browser for Git
61 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp repositories. This repository format is described in
62 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <a class="Xr">git-repository(5)</a>.
63 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp"><code class="Nm">tog</code> supports several types of views which
64 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp display repository data:</p>
65 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
66 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt>Log view</dt>
67 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Displays commits in the repository's history. This view is displayed
68 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp initially if no <var class="Ar">command</var> is specified.</dd>
69 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt>Diff view</dt>
70 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Displays changes made in a particular commit.</dd>
71 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt>Blame view</dt>
72 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Displays the line-by-line history of a file.</dd>
73 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt>Tree view</dt>
74 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Displays the tree corresponding to a particular commit.</dd>
75 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
76 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp"><code class="Nm">tog</code> provides global and command-specific
77 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp key bindings and options. The global key bindings are:</p>
78 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
79 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Q"><code class="Cm" id="Q">Q</code></a></dt>
80 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Quit <code class="Nm">tog</code>.</dd>
81 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#q"><code class="Cm" id="q">q</code></a></dt>
82 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Quit the view which is in focus.</dd>
83 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Tab"><code class="Cm" id="Tab">Tab</code></a></dt>
84 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Switch focus between views.</dd>
85 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#f"><code class="Cm" id="f">f</code></a></dt>
86 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Toggle fullscreen mode for a split-screen view.
87 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Nm">tog</code> will automatically use split-screen views if
88 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp the size of the terminal window is sufficiently large.</dd>
89 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
90 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">Global options must precede the command name, and are as
91 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
92 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
93 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#h"><code class="Fl" id="h">-h</code></a></dt>
94 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Display usage information.</dd>
95 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#V"><code class="Fl" id="V">-V</code></a></dt>
96 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Display program version and exit immediately.</dd>
97 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
98 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The commands for <code class="Nm">tog</code> are as follows:</p>
99 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
100 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#log"><code class="Cm" id="log">log</code></a>
101 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<code class="Fl">-c</code> <var class="Ar">commit</var>]
102 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<code class="Fl">-r</code> <var class="Ar">repository-path</var>]
103 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<var class="Ar">path</var>]</dt>
104 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Display history of a repository. If a <var class="Ar">path</var> is
105 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp specified, show only commits which modified this path.
106 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">This command is also executed if no explicit command is
107 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp specified.</p>
108 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The key bindings for <code class="Cm">tog log</code> are as
109 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
110 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
111 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Down-arrow,_j,__,_Full_stop"><code class="Cm" id="Down-arrow,_j,__,_Full_stop">Down-arrow,
112 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp j, &gt;, Full stop</code></a></dt>
113 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor down.</dd>
114 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,_k,__,_Comma"><code class="Cm" id="Up-arrow,_k,__,_Comma">Up-arrow,
115 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp k, &lt;, Comma</code></a></dt>
116 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor up.</dd>
117 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Page-down,_Ctrl+f"><code class="Cm" id="Page-down,_Ctrl+f">Page-down,
118 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Ctrl+f</code></a></dt>
119 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor down one page.</dd>
120 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Page-up,_Ctrl+b"><code class="Cm" id="Page-up,_Ctrl+b">Page-up,
121 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Ctrl+b</code></a></dt>
122 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor up one page.</dd>
123 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Enter,_Space"><code class="Cm" id="Enter,_Space">Enter,
124 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Space</code></a></dt>
125 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Open a <code class="Cm">diff</code> view showing file changes made in
126 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp the currently selected commit.</dd>
127 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#t"><code class="Cm" id="t">t</code></a></dt>
128 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Open a <code class="Cm">tree</code> view showing the tree for the
129 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp currently selected commit.</dd>
130 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Backspace"><code class="Cm" id="Backspace">Backspace</code></a></dt>
131 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Show log entries for the parent directory of the currently selected
132 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp path, unless an active search is in progress in which case
133 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Cm">Backspace</code> aborts the search.</dd>
134 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#/"><code class="Cm" id="/">/</code></a></dt>
135 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Prompt for a search pattern and start searching for matching commits.
136 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp The search pattern is an extended regular expression which is matched
137 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp against a commit's author name, committer name, log message, and
138 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp commit ID SHA1 hash. Regular expression syntax is documented in
139 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <a class="Xr">re_format(7)</a>.</dd>
140 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#n"><code class="Cm" id="n">n</code></a></dt>
141 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Find the next commit which matches the current search pattern.
142 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Searching continues until either a match is found or the
143 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Cm">Backspace</code> key is pressed.</dd>
144 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#N"><code class="Cm" id="N">N</code></a></dt>
145 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Find the previous commit which matches the current search pattern.
146 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Searching continues until either a match is found or the
147 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Cm">Backspace</code> key is pressed.</dd>
148 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Ctrl+l"><code class="Cm" id="Ctrl+l">Ctrl+l</code></a></dt>
149 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Reload the log view with new commits found in the repository.</dd>
150 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
151 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The options for <code class="Cm">tog log</code> are as
152 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
153 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
154 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#c"><code class="Fl" id="c">-c</code></a>
155 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">commit</var></dt>
156 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Start traversing history at the specified
157 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">commit</var>. The expected argument is the name of a
158 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp branch or a commit ID SHA1 hash. An abbreviated hash argument will be
159 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp expanded to a full SHA1 hash automatically, provided the abbreviation
160 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp is unique. If this option is not specified, default to the work tree's
161 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp current branch if invoked in a work tree, or to the repository's HEAD
162 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp reference.</dd>
163 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#r"><code class="Fl" id="r">-r</code></a>
164 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">repository-path</var></dt>
165 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Use the repository at the specified path. If not specified, assume the
166 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp repository is located at or above the current working directory.</dd>
167 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
168 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dd>
169 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#diff"><code class="Cm" id="diff">diff</code></a>
170 27b5d592 2019-08-11 stsp [<var class="Ar">repository-path</var>] <var class="Ar">object1
171 27b5d592 2019-08-11 stsp object2</var></dt>
172 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Display the differences between two objects in the repository. Each
173 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">object</var> argument is an object ID SHA1 hash. An
174 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp abbreviated hash argument will be expanded to a full SHA1 hash
175 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp automatically, provided the abbreviation is unique. Both objects must be
176 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp of the same type (blobs, trees, or commits). If the
177 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">repository path</var> is omitted, use the current working
178 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp directory.
179 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The key bindings for <code class="Cm">tog diff</code> are as
180 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
181 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
182 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Down-arrow,_j"><code class="Cm" id="Down-arrow,_j">Down-arrow,
183 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp j</code></a></dt>
184 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Scroll down.</dd>
185 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,_k"><code class="Cm" id="Up-arrow,_k">Up-arrow,
186 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp k</code></a></dt>
187 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Scroll up.</dd>
188 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Page-down,_Space,_Ctrl+f"><code class="Cm" id="Page-down,_Space,_Ctrl+f">Page-down,
189 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Space, Ctrl+f</code></a></dt>
190 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Scroll down one page.</dd>
191 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Page-up,_Ctrl+b_2"><code class="Cm" id="Page-up,_Ctrl+b_2">Page-up,
192 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Ctrl+b</code></a></dt>
193 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Scroll up one page.</dd>
194 27b5d592 2019-08-11 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#_"><code class="Cm" id="_">[</code></a></dt>
195 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Reduce the amount of diff context lines.</dd>
196 27b5d592 2019-08-11 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#__2"><code class="Cm" id="__2">]</code></a></dt>
197 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Increase the amount of diff context lines.</dd>
198 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#_,_Comma"><code class="Cm" id="_,_Comma">&lt;,
199 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Comma</code></a></dt>
200 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>If the diff view was opened via the log view, move to the previous
201 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp (younger) commit.</dd>
202 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#_,_Full_stop"><code class="Cm" id="_,_Full_stop">&gt;,
203 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp Full stop</code></a></dt>
204 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>If the diff view was opened via the log view, move to the next (older)
205 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp commit.</dd>
206 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
207 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dd>
208 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#blame"><code class="Cm" id="blame">blame</code></a>
209 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<code class="Fl">-c</code> <var class="Ar">commit</var>]
210 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<code class="Fl">-r</code> <var class="Ar">repository-path</var>]
211 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">path</var></dt>
212 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Display line-by-line history of a file at the specified path.
213 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The key bindings for <code class="Cm">tog blame</code> are as
214 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
215 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
216 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Down-arrow,_j,_Page-down,_Space"><code class="Cm" id="Down-arrow,_j,_Page-down,_Space">Down-arrow,
217 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp j, Page-down, Space</code></a></dt>
218 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor down.</dd>
219 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,_k,_Page-up"><code class="Cm" id="Up-arrow,_k,_Page-up">Up-arrow,
220 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp k, Page-up</code></a></dt>
221 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor up.</dd>
222 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Enter"><code class="Cm" id="Enter">Enter</code></a></dt>
223 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Open a <code class="Cm">diff</code> view for the currently selected
224 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp line's commit.</dd>
225 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#b"><code class="Cm" id="b">b</code></a></dt>
226 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Reload the <code class="Cm">blame</code> view with the version of the
227 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp file as found in the currently selected line's commit.</dd>
228 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#p"><code class="Cm" id="p">p</code></a></dt>
229 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Reload the <code class="Cm">blame</code> view with the version of the
230 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp file as found in the parent commit of the currently selected line's
231 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp commit.</dd>
232 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#B"><code class="Cm" id="B">B</code></a></dt>
233 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Reload the <code class="Cm">blame</code> view with the previously
234 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp blamed commit.</dd>
235 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#/_2"><code class="Cm" id="/_2">/</code></a></dt>
236 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Prompt for a search pattern and start searching for matching line. The
237 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp search pattern is an extended regular expression. Regular expression
238 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp syntax is documented in <a class="Xr">re_format(7)</a>.</dd>
239 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#n_2"><code class="Cm" id="n_2">n</code></a></dt>
240 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Find the next line which matches the current search pattern.</dd>
241 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#N_2"><code class="Cm" id="N_2">N</code></a></dt>
242 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Find the previous line which matches the current search pattern.</dd>
243 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
244 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The options for <code class="Cm">tog blame</code> are as
245 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
246 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
247 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#c_2"><code class="Fl" id="c_2">-c</code></a>
248 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">commit</var></dt>
249 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Start traversing history at the specified
250 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">commit</var>. The expected argument is the name of a
251 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp branch or a commit ID SHA1 hash. An abbreviated hash argument will be
252 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp expanded to a full SHA1 hash automatically, provided the abbreviation
253 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp is unique.</dd>
254 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#r_2"><code class="Fl" id="r_2">-r</code></a>
255 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">repository-path</var></dt>
256 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Use the repository at the specified path. If not specified, assume the
257 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp repository is located at or above the current working directory.</dd>
258 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
259 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dd>
260 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#tree"><code class="Cm" id="tree">tree</code></a>
261 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<code class="Fl">-c</code> <var class="Ar">commit</var>]
262 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp [<var class="Ar">repository-path</var>]</dt>
263 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Display the repository tree. If the <var class="Ar">repository path</var>
264 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp is omitted, assume the repository is located in the current working
265 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp directory.
266 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The key bindings for <code class="Cm">tog tree</code> are as
267 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
268 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
269 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Down-arrow,_j,_Page-down"><code class="Cm" id="Down-arrow,_j,_Page-down">Down-arrow,
270 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp j, Page-down</code></a></dt>
271 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor down.</dd>
272 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Up-arrow,_k,_Page-up_2"><code class="Cm" id="Up-arrow,_k,_Page-up_2">Up-arrow,
273 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp k, Page-up</code></a></dt>
274 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move the selection cursor up.</dd>
275 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Enter_2"><code class="Cm" id="Enter_2">Enter</code></a></dt>
276 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Enter the currently selected directory, or switch to the
277 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Cm">blame</code> view for the currently selected
278 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp file.</dd>
279 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#l"><code class="Cm" id="l">l</code></a></dt>
280 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Open a <code class="Cm">log</code> view for the currently selected
281 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp tree entry.</dd>
282 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#Backspace_2"><code class="Cm" id="Backspace_2">Backspace</code></a></dt>
283 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Move back to the parent directory.</dd>
284 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#i"><code class="Cm" id="i">i</code></a></dt>
285 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Show object IDs for all objects displayed in the
286 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <code class="Cm">tree</code> view.</dd>
287 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#/_3"><code class="Cm" id="/_3">/</code></a></dt>
288 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Prompt for a search pattern and start searching for matching tree
289 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp entries. The search pattern is an extended regular expression which is
290 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp matched against the tree entry's name. Regular expression syntax is
291 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp documented in <a class="Xr">re_format(7)</a>.</dd>
292 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#n_3"><code class="Cm" id="n_3">n</code></a></dt>
293 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Find the next tree entry which matches the current search
294 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp pattern.</dd>
295 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#N_3"><code class="Cm" id="N_3">N</code></a></dt>
296 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Find the previous tree entry which matches the current search
297 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp pattern.</dd>
298 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
299 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <p class="Pp">The options for <code class="Cm">tog tree</code> are as
300 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp follows:</p>
301 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dl class="Bl-tag">
302 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dt><a class="permalink" href="#c_3"><code class="Fl" id="c_3">-c</code></a>
303 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">commit</var></dt>
304 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <dd>Start traversing history at the specified
305 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <var class="Ar">commit</var>. The expected argument is the name of a
306 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp branch or a commit ID SHA1 hash. An abbreviated hash argument will be
307 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp expanded to a full SHA1 hash automatically, provided the abbreviation
308 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp is unique.</dd>
309 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
310 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dd>
311 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </dl>
312 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </section>
313 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <section class="Sh">
314 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <h1 class="Sh" id="EXIT_STATUS"><a class="permalink" href="#EXIT_STATUS">EXIT
315 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp STATUS</a></h1>
316 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp The <code class="Nm">tog</code> utility exits&#x00A0;0 on success,
317 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp and&#x00A0;&gt;0 if an error occurs.
318 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </section>
319 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <section class="Sh">
320 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <h1 class="Sh" id="SEE_ALSO"><a class="permalink" href="#SEE_ALSO">SEE
321 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp ALSO</a></h1>
322 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <a class="Xr">got(1)</a>, <a class="Xr">git-repository(5)</a>,
323 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <a class="Xr">re_format(7)</a>
324 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </section>
325 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <section class="Sh">
326 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <h1 class="Sh" id="AUTHORS"><a class="permalink" href="#AUTHORS">AUTHORS</a></h1>
327 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <span class="An">Stefan Sperling</span>
328 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp &lt;<a class="Mt" href=""></a>&gt;
329 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <br/>
330 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <span class="An">joshua stein</span>
331 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp &lt;<a class="Mt" href=""></a>&gt;
332 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </section>
333 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </div>
334 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <table class="foot">
335 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <tr>
336 27b5d592 2019-08-11 stsp <td class="foot-date">August 11, 2019</td>
337 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp <td class="foot-os">OpenBSD 6.5</td>
338 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </tr>
339 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </table>
340 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </body>
341 8797b228 2019-08-04 stsp </html>