1 cd0adeba 2024-11-12 stsp This is a collection of diff algorithms, implemented in portable C.
3 cd0adeba 2024-11-12 stsp The aim is to provide a faster diff implementation for Game of Trees
4 cd0adeba 2024-11-12 stsp (gameoftrees.org) with a BSD license. The project began at the u2k20
5 cd0adeba 2024-11-12 stsp OpenBSD hackathon. The original author is Neels Hofmeyr.
7 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels The Myers and Patience Diff algorithm implementations found here are based on
8 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels the explanations found in these blog post series:
9 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels https://blog.jcoglan.com/2017/02/12/the-myers-diff-algorithm-part-1/ ff.
11 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels https://blog.jcoglan.com/2017/09/19/the-patience-diff-algorithm/ ff.
12 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels -- possibly the single most comprehensive explanations of these algorithms.
13 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels Many thanks for this valuable door opener!
14 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels The source code itself is not based on the code found in those blogs, but
15 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels written from scratch with the knowledge gained.
18 cc5f4ee8 2020-09-20 stsp make -C diff
21 3b0f3d61 2020-01-22 neels make -C test/