
1 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas README.portable
2 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ===============
3 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
4 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas **NOTE: This repository is read-only and is used only to mirror the
5 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas got-portable repository for CI purposes.**
6 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
7 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas This is the portable version of got[1] (Game of Trees), using autotools to
8 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas provide the library checks required for GoT's dependencies.
9 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
10 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas The following operating systems are supported:
11 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
12 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * FreeBSD
13 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * NetBSD
14 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas * DragonFlyBSD
15 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * MacOS
16 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * Linux
17 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
18 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas DEPENDENCIES
19 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ============
20 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
21 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas Linux:
22 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
23 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `libncurses` (for tog(1))
24 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `libmd` (BSD's digest routines)
25 bd1cad3c 2022-04-30 thomas * `libbsd` (BSD's arc4random routines)
26 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `libcrypto` (often via 'libssl-dev' for SHA1 routines)
27 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `libuuid` (for UUID generation)
28 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `libz` (for Z compression)
29 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `pkg-config` (for searching libraries)
30 ebc794c1 2021-10-20 thomas * `bison` (for configuration file grammar)
31 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
32 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas FreeBSD:
33 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
34 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `automake`
35 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `pkgconf`
36 e8da6c41 2022-07-10 thomas * `GNU coreutils` (for running tests)
37 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
38 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas NetBSD:
39 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
40 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `automake`
41 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `libuuid`
42 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `ncuresesw`
43 e8da6c41 2022-07-10 thomas * `GNU coreutils` (for running tests)
44 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
45 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas DragonFlyBSD:
46 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas
47 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas * `automake`
48 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas * `pkgconf`
49 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas * `openssl`
50 e8da6c41 2022-07-10 thomas * `GNU coreutils` (for running tests)
51 b26177ad 2022-03-03 thomas
52 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas Darwin (MacOS):
53 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
54 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `automake`
55 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `bison`
56 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `pkg-config`
57 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `ncurses`
58 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `openssl`
59 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas * `ossp-uuid`
60 e499844e 2022-03-03 thomas
61 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas TESTS (REGRESS)
62 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ===============
63 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
64 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas To run the test suite:
65 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
66 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ```
67 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas $ make tests
68 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ```
69 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
70 1317cd3a 2022-03-08 thomas NOTE: For Linux, you must have the jot(1) command which is typically in the
71 e8da6c41 2022-07-10 thomas `athena-jot` package, or similar. For non-linux systems (as mentioned above),
72 e8da6c41 2022-07-10 thomas GNU Coreutils needs to be installed.
73 1317cd3a 2022-03-08 thomas
74 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas NOTE: THIS ONLY WORKS AFTER `make install` DUE TO HOW PATHS TO LIBEXEC
75 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas HELPERS ARE HARD-CODED INTO THE BINARIES.
76 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
77 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas INSTALLATION
78 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ============
79 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
80 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ```
81 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas $ ./
82 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas $ ./configure && make
83 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas $ sudo make install
84 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ```
85 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
86 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas BRANCHES + SUBMITTING PATCHES
87 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas =============================
88 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
89 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas `got-portable` has two key branches:
90 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
91 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas * `main` which tracks got upstream untainted.
92 2f4dd2c2 2021-09-27 thomas * `linux` which provides the portable version of GoT based from code on `main`
93 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
94 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas Patches for portable code fixes should be based from the `linux` branch and
95 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas sent to the mailing list for review [2] or sent to me directly (see CONTACT).
96 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
97 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas Portable-specific patches should have a shortlog in the form of:
98 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas
99 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas ```
100 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas portable: AREA: description
101 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas ```
102 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas
103 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas Where `AREA` relates to the change in question (for example, `regress`,
104 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas `libexec`, etc). In some cases, this can be omitted if it's a generic change.
105 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas
106 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas This helps to delineate `-portable` changes from upstream `got`.
107 61702ba6 2022-07-19 thomas
108 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas The read-only Github repository also runs CI checks using Cirrus-CI on Linux
109 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas and FreeBSD.
110 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
111 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas SYNCING UPSTREAM CHANGES WITH PORTABLE
112 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas ======================================
113 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
114 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas The `-portable` GoT repository uses the following workflow:
115 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
116 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas ```
117 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas Github (gh) GoT (upstream)
118 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas ^ ^
119 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas | |
120 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas | |
121 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas | |
122 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas | |
123 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas +--------> GoT-portable <------+
124 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
125 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas ```
126 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
127 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas Here, `got-portable` is a clone of the `-portable` repository, locally on
128 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas disk. There are two remotes set up within that repository, via `git-remote`:
129 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
130 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas * `upstream` -- which points to the official GoT repository;
131 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas * `gh` -- which points to the mirrored `-portable` repository so that CI can
132 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas be run for cross-platform/test purposes [3]
133 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas * `origin` -- our cloned copy from `-portable`
134 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
135 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas Within the `-portable` repository are two key branches (there may be other
136 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas topic branches which represent on-going work):
137 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
138 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas * `main` -- this is the branch that tracks (without modification) those
139 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas changes from `upstream`. This branch is continually reset to
140 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas `upstream/main` whenever changes occur.
141 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
142 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas * `linux` -- this is the *default* branch of the `-portable` repository which
143 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas contains portable-specific changes to make `GoT` compile across different
144 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas OSes.
145 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
146 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas When updating `-portable` from upstream changes, the following actions happen:
147 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
148 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 1. Changes from `upstream` are fetched. If there are no new changes, there's
149 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas nothing else to do.
150 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 2. Changes from `gh` are fetch so that the result can be pushed out to `gh`.
151 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 3. The difference between the local copy of `main` and `origin/main` is used
152 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas to represent the set of commits which have *NOT* yet been merged to
153 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas `-portable`.
154 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 4. A topic-branch called `syncup` is created from the HEAD of the `linux`
155 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas branch to hold the to-be-cherry-picked commits from step 3.
156 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 5. These commits are then cherry-picked to the `syncup` branch.
157 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 6. If there's any conflicts, they must be resolved.
158 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 7. Once done, a sanity build is done in-situ to check there's nothing amiss.
159 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 8. If that succeeds, the `syncup` branch is merged to `linux` and pushed to
160 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas `gh` for verification against CI.
161 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 9. If that fails, fixes continue and pushed up to `gh` as required.
162 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas 10. Once happy, both the `main` and `linux` branches can be merged to `origin`.
163 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
164 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas These steps are encapsulated in a script within `-portable`. [Link](../maintscripts/
165 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas
166 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas RELEASING A NEW VERSION
167 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas =======================
168 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
169 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Release for `-portable` try and align as close to upstream GoT as much as
170 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas possible, even on the same day where that can happen. That being said,
171 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas sometimes a release of `-portable` might happen outside of that cadence, where
172 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas a `-portable`-specific issue needs addressing, for example.
173 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
174 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Before creating a new release, check the version of GoT as found in
175 598139dd 2022-07-22 thomas `util/` -- as `GOT_PORTABLE_VER`:
176 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
177 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas ```
178 598139dd 2022-07-22 thomas GOT_PORTABLE_VER=0.75
179 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
180 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas ```
181 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
182 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Here, the *to be released* version of `got-portable` will be `0.75`.
183 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Typically, this version is incremented directly after a release, such that
184 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas there's no need to change this value. The only exception would be if there
185 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas were an out-of-band release to `-portable`. In such cases, that would take
186 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas the form:
187 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
188 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas ```
189 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas 0.75a
190 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas ```
191 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
192 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Where the suffix of `a`, `b`, etc., can be used to denote any sub-releases
193 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas from the `0.75` version.
194 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
195 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Once the version is verified, the following should be run from the `linux`
196 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas branch -- and the repository should not have any outstanding modifications to
197 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas the source:
198 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
199 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas ```
200 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas make clean ; ./autogen && ./configure && make distcheck
201 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas ```
202 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
203 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas If this succeeds, the tarball is in the CWD, as: `got-portable-VERSION.tar.gz`
204 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
205 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas This can then be copied to the `got-www` repository and uploaded, along with
206 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas changing a couple of HTML pages therein to represent the new released version.
207 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas Additionally, the CHANGELOG file can be copied to the `got-www` and committed.
208 ce0dfd3b 2022-07-21 thomas
209 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas TODO
210 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas ====
211 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
212 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas This port is incomplete in that only got(1) and tog(1) have been ported.
213 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas gotweb has yet to be ported.
214 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
215 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas should start defining AC_ENABLE arguments to allow for
216 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas finer-grained control of where to search for includes/libraries, etc.
217 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
218 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas CONTACT
219 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas =======
220 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
221 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas Thomas Adam <><br />
222 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas thomas_adam (#gameoftrees on
223 00ced238 2021-09-24 thomas
224 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas [1]<br />
225 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas [2]<br />
226 585fb430 2022-07-21 thomas [3]