/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Martin Pieuchot * Copyright (c) 2018, 2019 Stefan Sperling * * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any * purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above * copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND THE AUTHOR DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES * WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR * ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES * WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN * ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF * OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "got_version.h" #include "got_error.h" #include "got_object.h" #include "got_reference.h" #include "got_repository.h" #include "got_path.h" #include "got_cancel.h" #include "got_worktree.h" #include "got_diff.h" #include "got_commit_graph.h" #include "got_blame.h" #include "got_privsep.h" #include "got_opentemp.h" #ifndef nitems #define nitems(_a) (sizeof((_a)) / sizeof((_a)[0])) #endif static volatile sig_atomic_t sigint_received; static volatile sig_atomic_t sigpipe_received; static void catch_sigint(int signo) { sigint_received = 1; } static void catch_sigpipe(int signo) { sigpipe_received = 1; } struct got_cmd { const char *cmd_name; const struct got_error *(*cmd_main)(int, char *[]); void (*cmd_usage)(void); const char *cmd_alias; }; __dead static void usage(int); __dead static void usage_init(void); __dead static void usage_import(void); __dead static void usage_checkout(void); __dead static void usage_update(void); __dead static void usage_log(void); __dead static void usage_diff(void); __dead static void usage_blame(void); __dead static void usage_tree(void); __dead static void usage_status(void); __dead static void usage_ref(void); __dead static void usage_branch(void); __dead static void usage_tag(void); __dead static void usage_add(void); __dead static void usage_remove(void); __dead static void usage_revert(void); __dead static void usage_commit(void); __dead static void usage_cherrypick(void); __dead static void usage_backout(void); __dead static void usage_rebase(void); __dead static void usage_histedit(void); __dead static void usage_integrate(void); __dead static void usage_stage(void); __dead static void usage_unstage(void); __dead static void usage_cat(void); static const struct got_error* cmd_init(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_import(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_checkout(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_update(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_log(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_diff(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_blame(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_tree(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_status(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_ref(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_branch(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_tag(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_add(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_remove(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_revert(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_commit(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_cherrypick(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_backout(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_rebase(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_histedit(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_integrate(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_stage(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_unstage(int, char *[]); static const struct got_error* cmd_cat(int, char *[]); static struct got_cmd got_commands[] = { { "init", cmd_init, usage_init, "in" }, { "import", cmd_import, usage_import, "im" }, { "checkout", cmd_checkout, usage_checkout, "co" }, { "update", cmd_update, usage_update, "up" }, { "log", cmd_log, usage_log, "" }, { "diff", cmd_diff, usage_diff, "di" }, { "blame", cmd_blame, usage_blame, "bl" }, { "tree", cmd_tree, usage_tree, "tr" }, { "status", cmd_status, usage_status, "st" }, { "ref", cmd_ref, usage_ref, "" }, { "branch", cmd_branch, usage_branch, "br" }, { "tag", cmd_tag, usage_tag, "" }, { "add", cmd_add, usage_add, "" }, { "remove", cmd_remove, usage_remove, "rm" }, { "revert", cmd_revert, usage_revert, "rv" }, { "commit", cmd_commit, usage_commit, "ci" }, { "cherrypick", cmd_cherrypick, usage_cherrypick, "cy" }, { "backout", cmd_backout, usage_backout, "bo" }, { "rebase", cmd_rebase, usage_rebase, "rb" }, { "histedit", cmd_histedit, usage_histedit, "he" }, { "integrate", cmd_integrate, usage_integrate,"ig" }, { "stage", cmd_stage, usage_stage, "sg" }, { "unstage", cmd_unstage, usage_unstage, "ug" }, { "cat", cmd_cat, usage_cat, "" }, }; static void list_commands(void) { int i; fprintf(stderr, "commands:"); for (i = 0; i < nitems(got_commands); i++) { struct got_cmd *cmd = &got_commands[i]; fprintf(stderr, " %s", cmd->cmd_name); } fputc('\n', stderr); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { struct got_cmd *cmd; unsigned int i; int ch; int hflag = 0, Vflag = 0; setlocale(LC_CTYPE, ""); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "hV")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'h': hflag = 1; break; case 'V': Vflag = 1; break; default: usage(hflag); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; optind = 0; if (Vflag) { got_version_print_str(); return 1; } if (argc <= 0) usage(hflag); signal(SIGINT, catch_sigint); signal(SIGPIPE, catch_sigpipe); for (i = 0; i < nitems(got_commands); i++) { const struct got_error *error; cmd = &got_commands[i]; if (strcmp(cmd->cmd_name, argv[0]) != 0 && strcmp(cmd->cmd_alias, argv[0]) != 0) continue; if (hflag) got_commands[i].cmd_usage(); error = got_commands[i].cmd_main(argc, argv); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_CANCELLED && error->code != GOT_ERR_PRIVSEP_EXIT && !(sigpipe_received && error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EPIPE) && !(sigint_received && error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EINTR)) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: %s\n", getprogname(), error->msg); return 1; } return 0; } fprintf(stderr, "%s: unknown command '%s'\n", getprogname(), argv[0]); list_commands(); return 1; } __dead static void usage(int hflag) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s [-h] [-V] command [arg ...]\n", getprogname()); if (hflag) list_commands(); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * get_editor(char **abspath) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; const char *editor; *abspath = NULL; editor = getenv("VISUAL"); if (editor == NULL) editor = getenv("EDITOR"); if (editor) { err = got_path_find_prog(abspath, editor); if (err) return err; } if (*abspath == NULL) { *abspath = strdup("/bin/ed"); if (*abspath == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); } return NULL; } static const struct got_error * apply_unveil(const char *repo_path, int repo_read_only, const char *worktree_path) { const struct got_error *err; #ifdef PROFILE if (unveil("gmon.out", "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", "gmon.out"); #endif if (repo_path && unveil(repo_path, repo_read_only ? "r" : "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", repo_path); if (worktree_path && unveil(worktree_path, "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", worktree_path); if (unveil("/tmp", "rwc") != 0) return got_error_from_errno2("unveil", "/tmp"); err = got_privsep_unveil_exec_helpers(); if (err != NULL) return err; if (unveil(NULL, NULL) != 0) return got_error_from_errno("unveil"); return NULL; } __dead static void usage_init(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s init repository-path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_init(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL; int ch; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) { switch (ch) { default: usage_init(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc != 1) usage_init(); repo_path = strdup(argv[0]); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); error = got_path_mkdir(repo_path); if (error && !(error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EEXIST)) goto done; error = apply_unveil(repo_path, 0, NULL); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_init(repo_path); if (error != NULL) goto done; done: free(repo_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_import(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s import [-b branch] [-m message] " "[-r repository-path] [-I pattern] path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } int spawn_editor(const char *editor, const char *file) { pid_t pid; sig_t sighup, sigint, sigquit; int st = -1; sighup = signal(SIGHUP, SIG_IGN); sigint = signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); sigquit = signal(SIGQUIT, SIG_IGN); switch (pid = fork()) { case -1: goto doneediting; case 0: execl(editor, editor, file, (char *)NULL); _exit(127); } while (waitpid(pid, &st, 0) == -1) if (errno != EINTR) break; doneediting: (void)signal(SIGHUP, sighup); (void)signal(SIGINT, sigint); (void)signal(SIGQUIT, sigquit); if (!WIFEXITED(st)) { errno = EINTR; return -1; } return WEXITSTATUS(st); } static const struct got_error * edit_logmsg(char **logmsg, const char *editor, const char *logmsg_path, const char *initial_content) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char buf[1024]; struct stat st, st2; FILE *fp; int content_changed = 0; size_t len; *logmsg = NULL; if (stat(logmsg_path, &st) == -1) return got_error_from_errno2("stat", logmsg_path); if (spawn_editor(editor, logmsg_path) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("failed spawning editor"); if (stat(logmsg_path, &st2) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("stat"); if (st.st_mtime == st2.st_mtime && st.st_size == st2.st_size) return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY, "no changes made to commit message, aborting"); *logmsg = malloc(st2.st_size + 1); if (*logmsg == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("malloc"); (*logmsg)[0] = '\0'; len = 0; fp = fopen(logmsg_path, "r"); if (fp == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("fopen"); goto done; } while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), fp) != NULL) { if (!content_changed && strcmp(buf, initial_content) != 0) content_changed = 1; if (buf[0] == '#' || (len == 0 && buf[0] == '\n')) continue; /* remove comments and leading empty lines */ len = strlcat(*logmsg, buf, st2.st_size); } fclose(fp); while (len > 0 && (*logmsg)[len - 1] == '\n') { (*logmsg)[len - 1] = '\0'; len--; } if (len == 0 || !content_changed) err = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY, "commit message cannot be empty, aborting"); done: if (err) { free(*logmsg); *logmsg = NULL; } return err; } static const struct got_error * collect_import_msg(char **logmsg, char **logmsg_path, const char *editor, const char *path_dir, const char *branch_name) { char *initial_content = NULL; const struct got_error *err = NULL; int fd; if (asprintf(&initial_content, "\n# %s to be imported to branch %s\n", path_dir, branch_name) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); err = got_opentemp_named_fd(logmsg_path, &fd, "/tmp/got-importmsg"); if (err) goto done; dprintf(fd, initial_content); close(fd); err = edit_logmsg(logmsg, editor, *logmsg_path, initial_content); done: free(initial_content); return err; } static const struct got_error * import_progress(void *arg, const char *path) { printf("A %s\n", path); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * get_author(char **author, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; const char *got_author, *name, *email; *author = NULL; name = got_repo_get_gitconfig_author_name(repo); email = got_repo_get_gitconfig_author_email(repo); if (name && email) { if (asprintf(author, "%s <%s>", name, email) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); return NULL; } got_author = getenv("GOT_AUTHOR"); if (got_author == NULL) { name = got_repo_get_global_gitconfig_author_name(repo); email = got_repo_get_global_gitconfig_author_email(repo); if (name && email) { if (asprintf(author, "%s <%s>", name, email) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); return NULL; } /* TODO: Look up user in password database? */ return got_error(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_NO_AUTHOR); } *author = strdup(got_author); if (*author == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); /* * Really dumb email address check; we're only doing this to * avoid git's object parser breaking on commits we create. */ while (*got_author && *got_author != '<') got_author++; if (*got_author != '<') { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_NO_EMAIL); goto done; } while (*got_author && *got_author != '@') got_author++; if (*got_author != '@') { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_NO_EMAIL); goto done; } while (*got_author && *got_author != '>') got_author++; if (*got_author != '>') err = got_error(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_NO_EMAIL); done: if (err) { free(*author); *author = NULL; } return err; } static const struct got_error * get_gitconfig_path(char **gitconfig_path) { const char *homedir = getenv("HOME"); *gitconfig_path = NULL; if (homedir) { if (asprintf(gitconfig_path, "%s/.gitconfig", homedir) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); } return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_import(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; char *path_dir = NULL, *repo_path = NULL, *logmsg = NULL; char *gitconfig_path = NULL, *editor = NULL, *author = NULL; const char *branch_name = "main"; char *refname = NULL, *id_str = NULL, *logmsg_path = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_reference *branch_ref = NULL, *head_ref = NULL; struct got_object_id *new_commit_id = NULL; int ch; struct got_pathlist_head ignores; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int preserve_logmsg = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&ignores); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:m:r:I:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': branch_name = optarg; break; case 'm': logmsg = strdup(optarg); if (logmsg == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); goto done; } break; case 'I': if (optarg[0] == '\0') break; error = got_pathlist_insert(&pe, &ignores, optarg, NULL); if (error) goto done; break; default: usage_import(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc != 1) usage_import(); if (repo_path == NULL) { repo_path = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); } got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); error = get_gitconfig_path(&gitconfig_path); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, gitconfig_path); if (error) goto done; error = get_author(&author, repo); if (error) return error; /* * Don't let the user create a branch name with a leading '-'. * While technically a valid reference name, this case is usually * an unintended typo. */ if (branch_name[0] == '-') return got_error_path(branch_name, GOT_ERR_REF_NAME_MINUS); if (asprintf(&refname, "refs/heads/%s", branch_name) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } error = got_ref_open(&branch_ref, repo, refname, 0); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) goto done; } else { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_BRANCH_EXISTS, "import target branch already exists"); goto done; } path_dir = realpath(argv[0], NULL); if (path_dir == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("realpath", argv[0]); goto done; } got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(path_dir); /* * unveil(2) traverses exec(2); if an editor is used we have * to apply unveil after the log message has been written. */ if (logmsg == NULL || strlen(logmsg) == 0) { error = get_editor(&editor); if (error) goto done; free(logmsg); error = collect_import_msg(&logmsg, &logmsg_path, editor, path_dir, refname); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY && logmsg_path != NULL) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } } if (unveil(path_dir, "r") != 0) { error = got_error_from_errno2("unveil", path_dir); if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, NULL); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_repo_import(&new_commit_id, path_dir, logmsg, author, &ignores, repo, import_progress, NULL); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_ref_alloc(&branch_ref, refname, new_commit_id); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_ref_write(branch_ref, repo); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, new_commit_id); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, GOT_REF_HEAD, 0); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_ref_alloc_symref(&head_ref, GOT_REF_HEAD, branch_ref); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_ref_write(head_ref, repo); if (error) { if (logmsg_path) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } } printf("Created branch %s with commit %s\n", got_ref_get_name(branch_ref), id_str); done: if (preserve_logmsg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: log message preserved in %s\n", getprogname(), logmsg_path); } else if (logmsg_path && unlink(logmsg_path) == -1 && error == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno2("unlink", logmsg_path); free(logmsg); free(logmsg_path); free(repo_path); free(editor); free(refname); free(new_commit_id); free(id_str); free(author); free(gitconfig_path); if (branch_ref) got_ref_close(branch_ref); if (head_ref) got_ref_close(head_ref); return error; } __dead static void usage_checkout(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s checkout [-b branch] [-c commit] " "[-p prefix] repository-path [worktree-path]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * checkout_progress(void *arg, unsigned char status, const char *path) { char *worktree_path = arg; /* Base commit bump happens silently. */ if (status == GOT_STATUS_BUMP_BASE) return NULL; while (path[0] == '/') path++; printf("%c %s/%s\n", status, worktree_path, path); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * check_cancelled(void *arg) { if (sigint_received || sigpipe_received) return got_error(GOT_ERR_CANCELLED); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * check_linear_ancestry(struct got_object_id *commit_id, struct got_object_id *base_commit_id, int allow_forwards_in_time_only, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_object_id *yca_id; err = got_commit_graph_find_youngest_common_ancestor(&yca_id, commit_id, base_commit_id, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) return err; if (yca_id == NULL) return got_error(GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY); /* * Require a straight line of history between the target commit * and the work tree's base commit. * * Non-linear situations such as this require a rebase: * * (commit) D F (base_commit) * \ / * C E * \ / * B (yca) * | * A * * 'got update' only handles linear cases: * Update forwards in time: A (base/yca) - B - C - D (commit) * Update backwards in time: D (base) - C - B - A (commit/yca) */ if (allow_forwards_in_time_only) { if (got_object_id_cmp(base_commit_id, yca_id) != 0) return got_error(GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY); } else if (got_object_id_cmp(commit_id, yca_id) != 0 && got_object_id_cmp(base_commit_id, yca_id) != 0) return got_error(GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY); free(yca_id); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * check_same_branch(struct got_object_id *commit_id, struct got_reference *head_ref, struct got_object_id *yca_id, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_commit_graph *graph = NULL; struct got_object_id *head_commit_id = NULL; int is_same_branch = 0; err = got_ref_resolve(&head_commit_id, repo, head_ref); if (err) goto done; if (got_object_id_cmp(head_commit_id, commit_id) == 0) { is_same_branch = 1; goto done; } if (yca_id && got_object_id_cmp(commit_id, yca_id) == 0) { is_same_branch = 1; goto done; } err = got_commit_graph_open(&graph, head_commit_id, "/", 1, repo); if (err) goto done; err = got_commit_graph_iter_start(graph, head_commit_id, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) goto done; for (;;) { struct got_object_id *id; err = got_commit_graph_iter_next(&id, graph); if (err) { if (err->code == GOT_ERR_ITER_COMPLETED) { err = NULL; break; } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_ITER_NEED_MORE) break; err = got_commit_graph_fetch_commits(graph, 1, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) break; } if (id) { if (yca_id && got_object_id_cmp(id, yca_id) == 0) break; if (got_object_id_cmp(id, commit_id) == 0) { is_same_branch = 1; break; } } } done: if (graph) got_commit_graph_close(graph); free(head_commit_id); if (!err && !is_same_branch) err = got_error(GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY); return err; } static const struct got_error * resolve_commit_arg(struct got_object_id **commit_id, const char *commit_id_arg, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_reference *ref; struct got_tag_object *tag; err = got_repo_object_match_tag(&tag, commit_id_arg, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT, repo); if (err == NULL) { *commit_id = got_object_id_dup( got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag)); if (*commit_id == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("got_object_id_dup"); got_object_tag_close(tag); return err; } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ) return err; err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, commit_id_arg, 0); if (err == NULL) { err = got_ref_resolve(commit_id, repo, ref); got_ref_close(ref); } else { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) return err; err = got_repo_match_object_id_prefix(commit_id, commit_id_arg, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT, repo); } return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_checkout(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_reference *head_ref = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL; char *worktree_path = NULL; const char *path_prefix = ""; const char *branch_name = GOT_REF_HEAD; char *commit_id_str = NULL; int ch, same_path_prefix; struct got_pathlist_head paths; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:p:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': branch_name = optarg; break; case 'c': commit_id_str = strdup(optarg); if (commit_id_str == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); break; case 'p': path_prefix = optarg; break; default: usage_checkout(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc == 1) { char *cwd, *base, *dotgit; repo_path = realpath(argv[0], NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", argv[0]); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } if (path_prefix[0]) { base = basename(path_prefix); if (base == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("basename", path_prefix); goto done; } } else { base = basename(repo_path); if (base == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("basename", repo_path); goto done; } } dotgit = strstr(base, ".git"); if (dotgit) *dotgit = '\0'; if (asprintf(&worktree_path, "%s/%s", cwd, base) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); free(cwd); goto done; } free(cwd); } else if (argc == 2) { repo_path = realpath(argv[0], NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("realpath", argv[0]); goto done; } worktree_path = realpath(argv[1], NULL); if (worktree_path == NULL) { if (errno != ENOENT) { error = got_error_from_errno2("realpath", argv[1]); goto done; } worktree_path = strdup(argv[1]); if (worktree_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } else usage_checkout(); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(worktree_path); error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; /* Pre-create work tree path for unveil(2) */ error = got_path_mkdir(worktree_path); if (error) { if (!(error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EISDIR) && !(error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EEXIST)) goto done; if (!got_path_dir_is_empty(worktree_path)) { error = got_error_path(worktree_path, GOT_ERR_DIR_NOT_EMPTY); goto done; } } error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, worktree_path); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, branch_name, 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_worktree_init(worktree_path, head_ref, path_prefix, repo); if (error != NULL && !(error->code == GOT_ERR_ERRNO && errno == EEXIST)) goto done; error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, worktree_path); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_worktree_match_path_prefix(&same_path_prefix, worktree, path_prefix); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (!same_path_prefix) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_PATH_PREFIX); goto done; } if (commit_id_str) { struct got_object_id *commit_id; error = resolve_commit_arg(&commit_id, commit_id_str, repo); if (error) goto done; error = check_linear_ancestry(commit_id, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree), 0, repo); if (error != NULL) { free(commit_id); goto done; } error = check_same_branch(commit_id, head_ref, NULL, repo); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_set_base_commit_id(worktree, repo, commit_id); free(commit_id); if (error) goto done; } error = got_pathlist_append(&paths, "", NULL); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_checkout_files(worktree, &paths, repo, checkout_progress, worktree_path, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; printf("Now shut up and hack\n"); done: got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(commit_id_str); free(repo_path); free(worktree_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_update(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s update [-b branch] [-c commit] [path ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * update_progress(void *arg, unsigned char status, const char *path) { int *did_something = arg; if (status == GOT_STATUS_EXISTS) return NULL; *did_something = 1; /* Base commit bump happens silently. */ if (status == GOT_STATUS_BUMP_BASE) return NULL; while (path[0] == '/') path++; printf("%c %s\n", status, path); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * switch_head_ref(struct got_reference *head_ref, struct got_object_id *commit_id, struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *base_id_str; int ref_has_moved = 0; /* Trivial case: switching between two different references. */ if (strcmp(got_ref_get_name(head_ref), got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree)) != 0) { printf("Switching work tree from %s to %s\n", got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), got_ref_get_name(head_ref)); return got_worktree_set_head_ref(worktree, head_ref); } err = check_linear_ancestry(commit_id, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree), 0, repo); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY) return err; ref_has_moved = 1; } if (!ref_has_moved) return NULL; /* Switching to a rebased branch with the same reference name. */ err = got_object_id_str(&base_id_str, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree)); if (err) return err; printf("Reference %s now points at a different branch\n", got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree)); printf("Switching work tree from %s to %s\n", base_id_str, got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree)); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * check_rebase_or_histedit_in_progress(struct got_worktree *worktree) { const struct got_error *err; int in_progress; err = got_worktree_rebase_in_progress(&in_progress, worktree); if (err) return err; if (in_progress) return got_error(GOT_ERR_REBASING); err = got_worktree_histedit_in_progress(&in_progress, worktree); if (err) return err; if (in_progress) return got_error(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_BUSY); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * get_worktree_paths_from_argv(struct got_pathlist_head *paths, int argc, char *argv[], struct got_worktree *worktree) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *path; int i; if (argc == 0) { path = strdup(""); if (path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); return got_pathlist_append(paths, path, NULL); } for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { err = got_worktree_resolve_path(&path, worktree, argv[i]); if (err) break; err = got_pathlist_append(paths, path, NULL); if (err) { free(path); break; } } return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_update(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *worktree_path = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL; char *commit_id_str = NULL; const char *branch_name = NULL; struct got_reference *head_ref = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch, did_something = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:c:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'b': branch_name = optarg; break; case 'c': commit_id_str = strdup(optarg); if (commit_id_str == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("strdup"); break; default: usage_update(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif worktree_path = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (worktree_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, worktree_path); if (error) goto done; error = check_rebase_or_histedit_in_progress(worktree); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, branch_name ? branch_name : got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (commit_id_str == NULL) { error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, head_ref); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_object_id_str(&commit_id_str, commit_id); if (error != NULL) goto done; } else { error = resolve_commit_arg(&commit_id, commit_id_str, repo); free(commit_id_str); commit_id_str = NULL; if (error) goto done; error = got_object_id_str(&commit_id_str, commit_id); if (error) goto done; } if (branch_name) { struct got_object_id *head_commit_id; TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) { if (pe->path_len == 0) continue; error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_BAD_PATH, "switching between branches requires that " "the entire work tree gets updated"); goto done; } error = got_ref_resolve(&head_commit_id, repo, head_ref); if (error) goto done; error = check_linear_ancestry(commit_id, head_commit_id, 0, repo); free(head_commit_id); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = check_same_branch(commit_id, head_ref, NULL, repo); if (error) goto done; error = switch_head_ref(head_ref, commit_id, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; } else { error = check_linear_ancestry(commit_id, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree), 0, repo); if (error != NULL) { if (error->code == GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY) error = got_error(GOT_ERR_BRANCH_MOVED); goto done; } error = check_same_branch(commit_id, head_ref, NULL, repo); if (error) goto done; } if (got_object_id_cmp(got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree), commit_id) != 0) { error = got_worktree_set_base_commit_id(worktree, repo, commit_id); if (error) goto done; } error = got_worktree_checkout_files(worktree, &paths, repo, update_progress, &did_something, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (did_something) printf("Updated to commit %s\n", commit_id_str); else printf("Already up-to-date\n"); done: free(worktree_path); TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) free((char *)pe->path); got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(commit_id); free(commit_id_str); return error; } static const struct got_error * diff_blobs(struct got_object_id *blob_id1, struct got_object_id *blob_id2, const char *path, int diff_context, int ignore_whitespace, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_blob_object *blob1 = NULL, *blob2 = NULL; if (blob_id1) { err = got_object_open_as_blob(&blob1, repo, blob_id1, 8192); if (err) goto done; } err = got_object_open_as_blob(&blob2, repo, blob_id2, 8192); if (err) goto done; while (path[0] == '/') path++; err = got_diff_blob(blob1, blob2, path, path, diff_context, ignore_whitespace, stdout); done: if (blob1) got_object_blob_close(blob1); got_object_blob_close(blob2); return err; } static const struct got_error * diff_trees(struct got_object_id *tree_id1, struct got_object_id *tree_id2, const char *path, int diff_context, int ignore_whitespace, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_tree_object *tree1 = NULL, *tree2 = NULL; struct got_diff_blob_output_unidiff_arg arg; if (tree_id1) { err = got_object_open_as_tree(&tree1, repo, tree_id1); if (err) goto done; } err = got_object_open_as_tree(&tree2, repo, tree_id2); if (err) goto done; arg.diff_context = diff_context; arg.ignore_whitespace = ignore_whitespace; arg.outfile = stdout; while (path[0] == '/') path++; err = got_diff_tree(tree1, tree2, path, path, repo, got_diff_blob_output_unidiff, &arg, 1); done: if (tree1) got_object_tree_close(tree1); if (tree2) got_object_tree_close(tree2); return err; } static const struct got_error * print_patch(struct got_commit_object *commit, struct got_object_id *id, const char *path, int diff_context, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_commit_object *pcommit = NULL; char *id_str1 = NULL, *id_str2 = NULL; struct got_object_id *obj_id1 = NULL, *obj_id2 = NULL; struct got_object_qid *qid; qid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit)); if (qid != NULL) { err = got_object_open_as_commit(&pcommit, repo, qid->id); if (err) return err; } if (path && path[0] != '\0') { int obj_type; err = got_object_id_by_path(&obj_id2, repo, id, path); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str2, obj_id2); if (err) { free(obj_id2); goto done; } if (pcommit) { err = got_object_id_by_path(&obj_id1, repo, qid->id, path); if (err) { free(obj_id2); goto done; } err = got_object_id_str(&id_str1, obj_id1); if (err) { free(obj_id2); goto done; } } err = got_object_get_type(&obj_type, repo, obj_id2); if (err) { free(obj_id2); goto done; } printf("diff %s %s\n", id_str1 ? id_str1 : "/dev/null", id_str2); switch (obj_type) { case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB: err = diff_blobs(obj_id1, obj_id2, path, diff_context, 0, repo); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TREE: err = diff_trees(obj_id1, obj_id2, path, diff_context, 0, repo); break; default: err = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); break; } free(obj_id1); free(obj_id2); } else { obj_id2 = got_object_commit_get_tree_id(commit); err = got_object_id_str(&id_str2, obj_id2); if (err) goto done; obj_id1 = got_object_commit_get_tree_id(pcommit); err = got_object_id_str(&id_str1, obj_id1); if (err) goto done; printf("diff %s %s\n", id_str1 ? id_str1 : "/dev/null", id_str2); err = diff_trees(obj_id1, obj_id2, "", diff_context, 0, repo); } done: free(id_str1); free(id_str2); if (pcommit) got_object_commit_close(pcommit); return err; } static char * get_datestr(time_t *time, char *datebuf) { struct tm mytm, *tm; char *p, *s; tm = gmtime_r(time, &mytm); if (tm == NULL) return NULL; s = asctime_r(tm, datebuf); if (s == NULL) return NULL; p = strchr(s, '\n'); if (p) *p = '\0'; return s; } static const struct got_error * match_logmsg(int *have_match, struct got_object_id *id, struct got_commit_object *commit, regex_t *regex) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; regmatch_t regmatch; char *id_str = NULL, *logmsg = NULL; *have_match = 0; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, id); if (err) return err; err = got_object_commit_get_logmsg(&logmsg, commit); if (err) goto done; if (regexec(regex, logmsg, 1, ®match, 0) == 0) *have_match = 1; done: free(id_str); free(logmsg); return err; } #define GOT_COMMIT_SEP_STR "-----------------------------------------------\n" static const struct got_error * print_commit(struct got_commit_object *commit, struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo, const char *path, int show_patch, int diff_context, struct got_reflist_head *refs) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *id_str, *datestr, *logmsg0, *logmsg, *line; char datebuf[26]; time_t committer_time; const char *author, *committer; char *refs_str = NULL; struct got_reflist_entry *re; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(re, refs, entry) { char *s; const char *name; struct got_tag_object *tag = NULL; int cmp; name = got_ref_get_name(re->ref); if (strcmp(name, GOT_REF_HEAD) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(name, "refs/", 5) == 0) name += 5; if (strncmp(name, "got/", 4) == 0) continue; if (strncmp(name, "heads/", 6) == 0) name += 6; if (strncmp(name, "remotes/", 8) == 0) name += 8; if (strncmp(name, "tags/", 5) == 0) { err = got_object_open_as_tag(&tag, repo, re->id); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE) return err; /* Ref points at something other than a tag. */ err = NULL; tag = NULL; } } cmp = got_object_id_cmp(tag ? got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag) : re->id, id); if (tag) got_object_tag_close(tag); if (cmp != 0) continue; s = refs_str; if (asprintf(&refs_str, "%s%s%s", s ? s : "", s ? ", " : "", name) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); free(s); return err; } free(s); } err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, id); if (err) return err; printf(GOT_COMMIT_SEP_STR); printf("commit %s%s%s%s\n", id_str, refs_str ? " (" : "", refs_str ? refs_str : "", refs_str ? ")" : ""); free(id_str); id_str = NULL; free(refs_str); refs_str = NULL; printf("from: %s\n", got_object_commit_get_author(commit)); committer_time = got_object_commit_get_committer_time(commit); datestr = get_datestr(&committer_time, datebuf); if (datestr) printf("date: %s UTC\n", datestr); author = got_object_commit_get_author(commit); committer = got_object_commit_get_committer(commit); if (strcmp(author, committer) != 0) printf("via: %s\n", committer); if (got_object_commit_get_nparents(commit) > 1) { const struct got_object_id_queue *parent_ids; struct got_object_qid *qid; int n = 1; parent_ids = got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit); SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(qid, parent_ids, entry) { err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, qid->id); if (err) return err; printf("parent %d: %s\n", n++, id_str); free(id_str); } } err = got_object_commit_get_logmsg(&logmsg0, commit); if (err) return err; logmsg = logmsg0; do { line = strsep(&logmsg, "\n"); if (line) printf(" %s\n", line); } while (line); free(logmsg0); if (show_patch) { err = print_patch(commit, id, path, diff_context, repo); if (err == 0) printf("\n"); } if (fflush(stdout) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("fflush"); return err; } static const struct got_error * print_commits(struct got_object_id *root_id, struct got_repository *repo, char *path, int show_patch, char *search_pattern, int diff_context, int limit, int first_parent_traversal, struct got_reflist_head *refs) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_commit_graph *graph; regex_t regex; int have_match; if (search_pattern && regcomp(®ex, search_pattern, REG_EXTENDED | REG_NOSUB | REG_NEWLINE)) return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_REGEX, search_pattern); err = got_commit_graph_open(&graph, root_id, path, first_parent_traversal, repo); if (err) return err; err = got_commit_graph_iter_start(graph, root_id, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) goto done; for (;;) { struct got_commit_object *commit; struct got_object_id *id; if (sigint_received || sigpipe_received) break; err = got_commit_graph_iter_next(&id, graph); if (err) { if (err->code == GOT_ERR_ITER_COMPLETED) { err = NULL; break; } if (err->code != GOT_ERR_ITER_NEED_MORE) break; err = got_commit_graph_fetch_commits(graph, 1, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) break; else continue; } if (id == NULL) break; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, id); if (err) break; if (search_pattern) { err = match_logmsg(&have_match, id, commit, ®ex); if (err) { got_object_commit_close(commit); break; } if (have_match == 0) { got_object_commit_close(commit); continue; } } err = print_commit(commit, id, repo, path, show_patch, diff_context, refs); got_object_commit_close(commit); if (err || (limit && --limit == 0)) break; } done: if (search_pattern) regfree(®ex); got_commit_graph_close(graph); return err; } __dead static void usage_log(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s log [-c commit] [-C number] [-f] [ -l N ] [-p] " "[-s search-pattern] [-r repository-path] [path]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static int get_default_log_limit(void) { const char *got_default_log_limit; long long n; const char *errstr; got_default_log_limit = getenv("GOT_LOG_DEFAULT_LIMIT"); if (got_default_log_limit == NULL) return 0; n = strtonum(got_default_log_limit, 0, INT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) return 0; return n; } static const struct got_error * cmd_log(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; struct got_object_id *id = NULL; char *repo_path = NULL, *path = NULL, *cwd = NULL, *in_repo_path = NULL; char *start_commit = NULL, *search_pattern = NULL; int diff_context = -1, ch; int show_patch = 0, limit = 0, first_parent_traversal = 0; const char *errstr; struct got_reflist_head refs; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&refs); #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif limit = get_default_log_limit(); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "b:pc:C:l:fr:s:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'p': show_patch = 1; break; case 'c': start_commit = optarg; break; case 'C': diff_context = strtonum(optarg, 0, GOT_DIFF_MAX_CONTEXT, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) err(1, "-C option %s", errstr); break; case 'l': limit = strtonum(optarg, 0, INT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) err(1, "-l option %s", errstr); break; case 'f': first_parent_traversal = 1; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 's': search_pattern = optarg; break; default: usage_log(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (diff_context == -1) diff_context = 3; else if (!show_patch) errx(1, "-C reguires -p"); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; error = NULL; if (argc == 0) { path = strdup(""); if (path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } else if (argc == 1) { if (worktree) { error = got_worktree_resolve_path(&path, worktree, argv[0]); if (error) goto done; } else { path = strdup(argv[0]); if (path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } else usage_log(); if (repo_path == NULL) { repo_path = worktree ? strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)) : strdup(cwd); } if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, worktree ? got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree) : NULL); if (error) goto done; if (start_commit == NULL) { struct got_reference *head_ref; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, worktree ? got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree) : GOT_REF_HEAD, 0); if (error != NULL) return error; error = got_ref_resolve(&id, repo, head_ref); got_ref_close(head_ref); if (error != NULL) return error; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, id); } else { struct got_reference *ref; error = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, start_commit, 0); if (error == NULL) { int obj_type; error = got_ref_resolve(&id, repo, ref); got_ref_close(ref); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_object_get_type(&obj_type, repo, id); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (obj_type == GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TAG) { struct got_tag_object *tag; error = got_object_open_as_tag(&tag, repo, id); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (got_object_tag_get_object_type(tag) != GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT) { got_object_tag_close(tag); error = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); goto done; } free(id); id = got_object_id_dup( got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag)); if (id == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno( "got_object_id_dup"); got_object_tag_close(tag); if (error) goto done; } else if (obj_type != GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); goto done; } error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, id); if (error != NULL) goto done; } if (commit == NULL) { error = got_repo_match_object_id_prefix(&id, start_commit, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT, repo); if (error != NULL) return error; } } if (error != NULL) goto done; if (worktree) { const char *prefix = got_worktree_get_path_prefix(worktree); char *p; if (asprintf(&p, "%s%s%s", prefix, (strcmp(prefix, "/") != 0) ? "/" : "", path) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } error = got_repo_map_path(&in_repo_path, repo, p, 1); free(p); } else error = got_repo_map_path(&in_repo_path, repo, path, 1); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (in_repo_path) { free(path); path = in_repo_path; } error = got_ref_list(&refs, repo, NULL, got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL); if (error) goto done; error = print_commits(id, repo, path, show_patch, search_pattern, diff_context, limit, first_parent_traversal, &refs); done: free(path); free(repo_path); free(cwd); free(id); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) { const struct got_error *repo_error; repo_error = got_repo_close(repo); if (error == NULL) error = repo_error; } got_ref_list_free(&refs); return error; } __dead static void usage_diff(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s diff [-C number] [-r repository-path] [-s] " "[-w] [object1 object2 | path]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } struct print_diff_arg { struct got_repository *repo; struct got_worktree *worktree; int diff_context; const char *id_str; int header_shown; int diff_staged; int ignore_whitespace; }; static const struct got_error * print_diff(void *arg, unsigned char status, unsigned char staged_status, const char *path, struct got_object_id *blob_id, struct got_object_id *staged_blob_id, struct got_object_id *commit_id) { struct print_diff_arg *a = arg; const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_blob_object *blob1 = NULL; FILE *f2 = NULL; char *abspath = NULL, *label1 = NULL; struct stat sb; if (a->diff_staged) { if (staged_status != GOT_STATUS_MODIFY && staged_status != GOT_STATUS_ADD && staged_status != GOT_STATUS_DELETE) return NULL; } else { if (staged_status == GOT_STATUS_DELETE) return NULL; if (status == GOT_STATUS_NONEXISTENT) return got_error_set_errno(ENOENT, path); if (status != GOT_STATUS_MODIFY && status != GOT_STATUS_ADD && status != GOT_STATUS_DELETE && status != GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT) return NULL; } if (!a->header_shown) { printf("diff %s %s%s\n", a->id_str, got_worktree_get_root_path(a->worktree), a->diff_staged ? " (staged changes)" : ""); a->header_shown = 1; } if (a->diff_staged) { const char *label1 = NULL, *label2 = NULL; switch (staged_status) { case GOT_STATUS_MODIFY: label1 = path; label2 = path; break; case GOT_STATUS_ADD: label2 = path; break; case GOT_STATUS_DELETE: label1 = path; break; default: return got_error(GOT_ERR_FILE_STATUS); } return got_diff_objects_as_blobs(blob_id, staged_blob_id, label1, label2, a->diff_context, a->ignore_whitespace, a->repo, stdout); } if (staged_status == GOT_STATUS_ADD || staged_status == GOT_STATUS_MODIFY) { char *id_str; err = got_object_open_as_blob(&blob1, a->repo, staged_blob_id, 8192); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, staged_blob_id); if (err) goto done; if (asprintf(&label1, "%s (staged)", id_str) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); free(id_str); goto done; } free(id_str); } else if (status != GOT_STATUS_ADD) { err = got_object_open_as_blob(&blob1, a->repo, blob_id, 8192); if (err) goto done; } if (status != GOT_STATUS_DELETE) { if (asprintf(&abspath, "%s/%s", got_worktree_get_root_path(a->worktree), path) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } f2 = fopen(abspath, "r"); if (f2 == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno2("fopen", abspath); goto done; } if (lstat(abspath, &sb) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno2("lstat", abspath); goto done; } } else sb.st_size = 0; err = got_diff_blob_file(blob1, label1, f2, sb.st_size, path, a->diff_context, a->ignore_whitespace, stdout); done: if (blob1) got_object_blob_close(blob1); if (f2 && fclose(f2) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); free(abspath); return err; } static const struct got_error * match_object_id(struct got_object_id **id, char **label, const char *id_str, int obj_type, int resolve_tags, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_tag_object *tag; struct got_reference *ref = NULL; *id = NULL; *label = NULL; if (resolve_tags) { err = got_repo_object_match_tag(&tag, id_str, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_ANY, repo); if (err == NULL) { *id = got_object_id_dup( got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag)); if (*id == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("got_object_id_dup"); else if (asprintf(label, "refs/tags/%s", got_object_tag_get_name(tag)) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); free(*id); *id = NULL; } got_object_tag_close(tag); return err; } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ) return err; } err = got_repo_match_object_id_prefix(id, id_str, obj_type, repo); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_BAD_OBJ_ID_STR) return err; err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, id_str, 0); if (err != NULL) goto done; *label = strdup(got_ref_get_name(ref)); if (*label == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } err = got_ref_resolve(id, repo, ref); } else { err = got_object_id_str(label, *id); if (*label == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } done: if (ref) got_ref_close(ref); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_diff(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL; struct got_object_id *id1 = NULL, *id2 = NULL; const char *id_str1 = NULL, *id_str2 = NULL; char *label1 = NULL, *label2 = NULL; int type1, type2; int diff_context = 3, diff_staged = 0, ignore_whitespace = 0, ch; const char *errstr; char *path = NULL; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "C:r:sw")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'C': diff_context = strtonum(optarg, 1, INT_MAX, &errstr); if (errstr != NULL) err(1, "-C option %s", errstr); break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 's': diff_staged = 1; break; case 'w': ignore_whitespace = 1; break; default: usage_diff(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; if (argc <= 1) { if (worktree == NULL) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE); goto done; } if (repo_path) errx(1, "-r option can't be used when diffing a work tree"); repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } if (argc == 1) { error = got_worktree_resolve_path(&path, worktree, argv[0]); if (error) goto done; } else { path = strdup(""); if (path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } else if (argc == 2) { if (diff_staged) errx(1, "-s option can't be used when diffing " "objects in repository"); id_str1 = argv[0]; id_str2 = argv[1]; if (worktree && repo_path == NULL) { repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } else usage_diff(); if (repo_path == NULL) { repo_path = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); free(repo_path); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, worktree ? got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree) : NULL); if (error) goto done; if (argc <= 1) { struct print_diff_arg arg; struct got_pathlist_head paths; char *id_str; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree)); if (error) goto done; arg.repo = repo; arg.worktree = worktree; arg.diff_context = diff_context; arg.id_str = id_str; arg.header_shown = 0; arg.diff_staged = diff_staged; arg.ignore_whitespace = ignore_whitespace; error = got_pathlist_append(&paths, path, NULL); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_status(worktree, &paths, repo, print_diff, &arg, check_cancelled, NULL); free(id_str); got_pathlist_free(&paths); goto done; } error = match_object_id(&id1, &label1, id_str1, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_ANY, 1, repo); if (error) goto done; error = match_object_id(&id2, &label2, id_str2, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_ANY, 1, repo); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_get_type(&type1, repo, id1); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_get_type(&type2, repo, id2); if (error) goto done; if (type1 != type2) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); goto done; } switch (type1) { case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB: error = got_diff_objects_as_blobs(id1, id2, NULL, NULL, diff_context, ignore_whitespace, repo, stdout); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TREE: error = got_diff_objects_as_trees(id1, id2, "", "", diff_context, ignore_whitespace, repo, stdout); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT: printf("diff %s %s\n", label1, label2); error = got_diff_objects_as_commits(id1, id2, diff_context, ignore_whitespace, repo, stdout); break; default: error = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); } done: free(label1); free(label2); free(id1); free(id2); free(path); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) { const struct got_error *repo_error; repo_error = got_repo_close(repo); if (error == NULL) error = repo_error; } return error; } __dead static void usage_blame(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s blame [-c commit] [-r repository-path] path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } struct blame_line { int annotated; char *id_str; char *committer; char datebuf[11]; /* YYYY-MM-DD + NUL */ }; struct blame_cb_args { struct blame_line *lines; int nlines; int nlines_prec; int lineno_cur; off_t *line_offsets; FILE *f; struct got_repository *repo; }; static const struct got_error * blame_cb(void *arg, int nlines, int lineno, struct got_object_id *id) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct blame_cb_args *a = arg; struct blame_line *bline; char *line = NULL; size_t linesize = 0; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; off_t offset; struct tm tm; time_t committer_time; if (nlines != a->nlines || (lineno != -1 && lineno < 1) || lineno > a->nlines) return got_error(GOT_ERR_RANGE); if (sigint_received) return got_error(GOT_ERR_ITER_COMPLETED); if (lineno == -1) return NULL; /* no change in this commit */ /* Annotate this line. */ bline = &a->lines[lineno - 1]; if (bline->annotated) return NULL; err = got_object_id_str(&bline->id_str, id); if (err) return err; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, a->repo, id); if (err) goto done; bline->committer = strdup(got_object_commit_get_committer(commit)); if (bline->committer == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } committer_time = got_object_commit_get_committer_time(commit); if (localtime_r(&committer_time, &tm) == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("localtime_r"); if (strftime(bline->datebuf, sizeof(bline->datebuf), "%G/%m/%d", &tm) >= sizeof(bline->datebuf)) { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_NO_SPACE); goto done; } bline->annotated = 1; /* Print lines annotated so far. */ bline = &a->lines[a->lineno_cur - 1]; if (!bline->annotated) goto done; offset = a->line_offsets[a->lineno_cur - 1]; if (fseeko(a->f, offset, SEEK_SET) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("fseeko"); goto done; } while (bline->annotated) { char *smallerthan, *at, *nl, *committer; size_t len; if (getline(&line, &linesize, a->f) == -1) { if (ferror(a->f)) err = got_error_from_errno("getline"); break; } committer = bline->committer; smallerthan = strchr(committer, '<'); if (smallerthan && smallerthan[1] != '\0') committer = smallerthan + 1; at = strchr(committer, '@'); if (at) *at = '\0'; len = strlen(committer); if (len >= 9) committer[8] = '\0'; nl = strchr(line, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; printf("%.*d) %.8s %s %-8s %s\n", a->nlines_prec, a->lineno_cur, bline->id_str, bline->datebuf, committer, line); a->lineno_cur++; bline = &a->lines[a->lineno_cur - 1]; } done: if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); free(line); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_blame(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *path, *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL, *in_repo_path = NULL; struct got_object_id *obj_id = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL; struct got_blob_object *blob = NULL; char *commit_id_str = NULL; struct blame_cb_args bca; int ch, obj_type, i; size_t filesize; memset(&bca, 0, sizeof(bca)); #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': commit_id_str = optarg; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; default: usage_blame(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 1) path = argv[0]; else usage_blame(); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; else error = NULL; if (worktree) { repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); if (error) goto done; } else { repo_path = strdup(cwd); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (worktree) { const char *prefix = got_worktree_get_path_prefix(worktree); char *p, *worktree_subdir = cwd + strlen(got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (asprintf(&p, "%s%s%s%s%s", prefix, (strcmp(prefix, "/") != 0) ? "/" : "", worktree_subdir, worktree_subdir[0] ? "/" : "", path) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } error = got_repo_map_path(&in_repo_path, repo, p, 0); free(p); } else { error = got_repo_map_path(&in_repo_path, repo, path, 1); } if (error) goto done; if (commit_id_str == NULL) { struct got_reference *head_ref; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, GOT_REF_HEAD, 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, head_ref); got_ref_close(head_ref); if (error != NULL) goto done; } else { error = resolve_commit_arg(&commit_id, commit_id_str, repo); if (error) goto done; } error = got_object_id_by_path(&obj_id, repo, commit_id, in_repo_path); if (error) goto done; if (obj_id == NULL) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ); goto done; } error = got_object_get_type(&obj_type, repo, obj_id); if (error) goto done; if (obj_type != GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); goto done; } error = got_object_open_as_blob(&blob, repo, obj_id, 8192); if (error) goto done; bca.f = got_opentemp(); if (bca.f == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("got_opentemp"); goto done; } error = got_object_blob_dump_to_file(&filesize, &bca.nlines, &bca.line_offsets, bca.f, blob); if (error || bca.nlines == 0) goto done; /* Don't include \n at EOF in the blame line count. */ if (bca.line_offsets[bca.nlines - 1] == filesize) bca.nlines--; bca.lines = calloc(bca.nlines, sizeof(*bca.lines)); if (bca.lines == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("calloc"); goto done; } bca.lineno_cur = 1; bca.nlines_prec = 0; i = bca.nlines; while (i > 0) { i /= 10; bca.nlines_prec++; } bca.repo = repo; error = got_blame(in_repo_path, commit_id, repo, blame_cb, &bca, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; done: free(in_repo_path); free(repo_path); free(cwd); free(commit_id); free(obj_id); if (blob) got_object_blob_close(blob); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) { const struct got_error *repo_error; repo_error = got_repo_close(repo); if (error == NULL) error = repo_error; } if (bca.lines) { for (i = 0; i < bca.nlines; i++) { struct blame_line *bline = &bca.lines[i]; free(bline->id_str); free(bline->committer); } free(bca.lines); } free(bca.line_offsets); if (bca.f && fclose(bca.f) == EOF && error == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); return error; } __dead static void usage_tree(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s tree [-c commit] [-r repository-path] [-iR] path\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static void print_entry(struct got_tree_entry *te, const char *id, const char *path, const char *root_path) { int is_root_path = (strcmp(path, root_path) == 0); const char *modestr = ""; mode_t mode = got_tree_entry_get_mode(te); path += strlen(root_path); while (path[0] == '/') path++; if (got_object_tree_entry_is_submodule(te)) modestr = "$"; else if (S_ISLNK(mode)) modestr = "@"; else if (S_ISDIR(mode)) modestr = "/"; else if (mode & S_IXUSR) modestr = "*"; printf("%s%s%s%s%s\n", id ? id : "", path, is_root_path ? "" : "/", got_tree_entry_get_name(te), modestr); } static const struct got_error * print_tree(const char *path, struct got_object_id *commit_id, int show_ids, int recurse, const char *root_path, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_object_id *tree_id = NULL; struct got_tree_object *tree = NULL; int nentries, i; err = got_object_id_by_path(&tree_id, repo, commit_id, path); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_open_as_tree(&tree, repo, tree_id); if (err) goto done; nentries = got_object_tree_get_nentries(tree); for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) { struct got_tree_entry *te; char *id = NULL; if (sigint_received || sigpipe_received) break; te = got_object_tree_get_entry(tree, i); if (show_ids) { char *id_str; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, got_tree_entry_get_id(te)); if (err) goto done; if (asprintf(&id, "%s ", id_str) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); free(id_str); goto done; } free(id_str); } print_entry(te, id, path, root_path); free(id); if (recurse && S_ISDIR(got_tree_entry_get_mode(te))) { char *child_path; if (asprintf(&child_path, "%s%s%s", path, path[0] == '/' && path[1] == '\0' ? "" : "/", got_tree_entry_get_name(te)) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } err = print_tree(child_path, commit_id, show_ids, 1, root_path, repo); free(child_path); if (err) goto done; } } done: if (tree) got_object_tree_close(tree); free(tree_id); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_tree(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; const char *path; char *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL, *in_repo_path = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL; char *commit_id_str = NULL; int show_ids = 0, recurse = 0; int ch; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:iR")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': commit_id_str = optarg; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'i': show_ids = 1; break; case 'R': recurse = 1; break; default: usage_tree(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc == 1) path = argv[0]; else if (argc > 1) usage_tree(); else path = NULL; cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; else error = NULL; if (worktree) { repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); if (error) goto done; } else { repo_path = strdup(cwd); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (path == NULL) { if (worktree) { char *p, *worktree_subdir = cwd + strlen(got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (asprintf(&p, "%s/%s", got_worktree_get_path_prefix(worktree), worktree_subdir) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } error = got_repo_map_path(&in_repo_path, repo, p, 1); free(p); if (error) goto done; } else path = "/"; } if (in_repo_path == NULL) { error = got_repo_map_path(&in_repo_path, repo, path, 1); if (error != NULL) goto done; } if (commit_id_str == NULL) { struct got_reference *head_ref; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, GOT_REF_HEAD, 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, head_ref); got_ref_close(head_ref); if (error != NULL) goto done; } else { error = resolve_commit_arg(&commit_id, commit_id_str, repo); if (error) goto done; } error = print_tree(in_repo_path, commit_id, show_ids, recurse, in_repo_path, repo); done: free(in_repo_path); free(repo_path); free(cwd); free(commit_id); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) { const struct got_error *repo_error; repo_error = got_repo_close(repo); if (error == NULL) error = repo_error; } return error; } __dead static void usage_status(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s status [path ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * print_status(void *arg, unsigned char status, unsigned char staged_status, const char *path, struct got_object_id *blob_id, struct got_object_id *staged_blob_id, struct got_object_id *commit_id) { if (status == staged_status && (status == GOT_STATUS_DELETE)) status = GOT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; printf("%c%c %s\n", status, staged_status, path); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_status(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) { switch (ch) { default: usage_status(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_status(worktree, &paths, repo, print_status, NULL, check_cancelled, NULL); done: TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) free((char *)pe->path); got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(cwd); return error; } __dead static void usage_ref(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s ref [-r repository] -l | -d name | [-s] name target\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * list_refs(struct got_repository *repo) { static const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reflist_head refs; struct got_reflist_entry *re; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&refs); err = got_ref_list(&refs, repo, NULL, got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL); if (err) return err; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(re, &refs, entry) { char *refstr; refstr = got_ref_to_str(re->ref); if (refstr == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("got_ref_to_str"); printf("%s: %s\n", got_ref_get_name(re->ref), refstr); free(refstr); } got_ref_list_free(&refs); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * delete_ref(struct got_repository *repo, const char *refname) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reference *ref; err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, refname, 0); if (err) return err; err = got_ref_delete(ref, repo); got_ref_close(ref); return err; } static const struct got_error * add_ref(struct got_repository *repo, const char *refname, const char *target) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_object_id *id; struct got_reference *ref = NULL; /* * Don't let the user create a reference name with a leading '-'. * While technically a valid reference name, this case is usually * an unintended typo. */ if (refname[0] == '-') return got_error_path(refname, GOT_ERR_REF_NAME_MINUS); err = got_repo_match_object_id_prefix(&id, target, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_ANY, repo); if (err) { struct got_reference *target_ref; if (err->code != GOT_ERR_BAD_OBJ_ID_STR) return err; err = got_ref_open(&target_ref, repo, target, 0); if (err) return err; err = got_ref_resolve(&id, repo, target_ref); got_ref_close(target_ref); if (err) return err; } err = got_ref_alloc(&ref, refname, id); if (err) goto done; err = got_ref_write(ref, repo); done: if (ref) got_ref_close(ref); free(id); return err; } static const struct got_error * add_symref(struct got_repository *repo, const char *refname, const char *target) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reference *ref = NULL; struct got_reference *target_ref = NULL; /* * Don't let the user create a reference name with a leading '-'. * While technically a valid reference name, this case is usually * an unintended typo. */ if (refname[0] == '-') return got_error_path(refname, GOT_ERR_REF_NAME_MINUS); err = got_ref_open(&target_ref, repo, target, 0); if (err) return err; err = got_ref_alloc_symref(&ref, refname, target_ref); if (err) goto done; err = got_ref_write(ref, repo); done: if (target_ref) got_ref_close(target_ref); if (ref) got_ref_close(ref); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_ref(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL; int ch, do_list = 0, create_symref = 0; const char *delref = NULL; /* TODO: Add -s option for adding symbolic references. */ while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "d:r:ls")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'd': delref = optarg; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'l': do_list = 1; break; case 's': create_symref = 1; break; default: usage_ref(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } if (do_list && delref) errx(1, "-l and -d options are mutually exclusive\n"); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (do_list || delref) { if (create_symref) errx(1, "-s option cannot be used together with the " "-l or -d options"); if (argc > 0) usage_ref(); } else if (argc != 2) usage_ref(); #ifndef PROFILE if (do_list) { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); } else { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec " "sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); } #endif cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; else error = NULL; if (worktree) { repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); if (error) goto done; } else { repo_path = strdup(cwd); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), do_list, worktree ? got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree) : NULL); if (error) goto done; if (do_list) error = list_refs(repo); else if (delref) error = delete_ref(repo, delref); else if (create_symref) error = add_symref(repo, argv[0], argv[1]); else error = add_ref(repo, argv[0], argv[1]); done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(cwd); free(repo_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_branch(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s branch [-c commit] [-r repository] [-l] | -d name | " "[name]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * list_branch(struct got_repository *repo, struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_reference *ref) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; const char *refname, *marker = " "; char *refstr; refname = got_ref_get_name(ref); if (worktree && strcmp(refname, got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree)) == 0) { struct got_object_id *id = NULL; err = got_ref_resolve(&id, repo, ref); if (err) return err; if (got_object_id_cmp(id, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree)) == 0) marker = "* "; else marker = "~ "; free(id); } if (strncmp(refname, "refs/heads/", 11) == 0) refname += 11; if (strncmp(refname, "refs/got/worktree/", 18) == 0) refname += 18; refstr = got_ref_to_str(ref); if (refstr == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("got_ref_to_str"); printf("%s%s: %s\n", marker, refname, refstr); free(refstr); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * show_current_branch(struct got_repository *repo, struct got_worktree *worktree) { const char *refname; if (worktree == NULL) return got_error(GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE); refname = got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree); if (strncmp(refname, "refs/heads/", 11) == 0) refname += 11; if (strncmp(refname, "refs/got/worktree/", 18) == 0) refname += 18; printf("%s\n", refname); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * list_branches(struct got_repository *repo, struct got_worktree *worktree) { static const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reflist_head refs; struct got_reflist_entry *re; struct got_reference *temp_ref = NULL; int rebase_in_progress, histedit_in_progress; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&refs); if (worktree) { err = got_worktree_rebase_in_progress(&rebase_in_progress, worktree); if (err) return err; err = got_worktree_histedit_in_progress(&histedit_in_progress, worktree); if (err) return err; if (rebase_in_progress || histedit_in_progress) { err = got_ref_open(&temp_ref, repo, got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), 0); if (err) return err; list_branch(repo, worktree, temp_ref); got_ref_close(temp_ref); } } err = got_ref_list(&refs, repo, "refs/heads", got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL); if (err) return err; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(re, &refs, entry) list_branch(repo, worktree, re->ref); got_ref_list_free(&refs); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * delete_branch(struct got_repository *repo, struct got_worktree *worktree, const char *branch_name) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reference *ref = NULL; char *refname; if (asprintf(&refname, "refs/heads/%s", branch_name) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, refname, 0); if (err) goto done; if (worktree && strcmp(got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), got_ref_get_name(ref)) == 0) { err = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_SAME_BRANCH, "will not delete this work tree's current branch"); goto done; } err = got_ref_delete(ref, repo); done: if (ref) got_ref_close(ref); free(refname); return err; } static const struct got_error * add_branch(struct got_repository *repo, const char *branch_name, struct got_object_id *base_commit_id) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reference *ref = NULL; char *base_refname = NULL, *refname = NULL; /* * Don't let the user create a branch name with a leading '-'. * While technically a valid reference name, this case is usually * an unintended typo. */ if (branch_name[0] == '-') return got_error_path(branch_name, GOT_ERR_REF_NAME_MINUS); if (asprintf(&refname, "refs/heads/%s", branch_name) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, refname, 0); if (err == NULL) { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_BRANCH_EXISTS); goto done; } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) goto done; err = got_ref_alloc(&ref, refname, base_commit_id); if (err) goto done; err = got_ref_write(ref, repo); done: if (ref) got_ref_close(ref); free(base_refname); free(refname); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_branch(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL; int ch, do_list = 0, do_show = 0; const char *delref = NULL, *commit_id_arg = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:d:r:l")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': commit_id_arg = optarg; break; case 'd': delref = optarg; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'l': do_list = 1; break; default: usage_branch(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } if (do_list && delref) errx(1, "-l and -d options are mutually exclusive\n"); argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (!do_list && !delref && argc == 0) do_show = 1; if ((do_list || delref || do_show) && commit_id_arg != NULL) errx(1, "-c option can only be used when creating a branch"); if (do_list || delref) { if (argc > 0) usage_branch(); } else if (!do_show && argc != 1) usage_branch(); #ifndef PROFILE if (do_list || do_show) { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); } else { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec " "sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); } #endif cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; else error = NULL; if (worktree) { repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); if (error) goto done; } else { repo_path = strdup(cwd); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), do_list, worktree ? got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree) : NULL); if (error) goto done; if (do_show) error = show_current_branch(repo, worktree); else if (do_list) error = list_branches(repo, worktree); else if (delref) error = delete_branch(repo, worktree, delref); else { struct got_object_id *commit_id; if (commit_id_arg == NULL) commit_id_arg = worktree ? got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree) : GOT_REF_HEAD; error = resolve_commit_arg(&commit_id, commit_id_arg, repo); if (error) goto done; error = add_branch(repo, argv[0], commit_id); free(commit_id); } done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(cwd); free(repo_path); return error; } __dead static void usage_tag(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s tag [-r repository] | -l | " "[-m message] name [commit]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } #if 0 static const struct got_error * sort_tags(struct got_reflist_head *sorted, struct got_reflist_head *tags) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reflist_entry *re, *se, *new; struct got_object_id *re_id, *se_id; struct got_tag_object *re_tag, *se_tag; time_t re_time, se_time; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(re, tags, entry) { se = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(sorted); if (se == NULL) { err = got_reflist_entry_dup(&new, re); if (err) return err; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(sorted, new, entry); continue; } else { err = got_ref_resolve(&re_id, repo, re->ref); if (err) break; err = got_object_open_as_tag(&re_tag, repo, re_id); free(re_id); if (err) break; re_time = got_object_tag_get_tagger_time(re_tag); got_object_tag_close(re_tag); } while (se) { err = got_ref_resolve(&se_id, repo, re->ref); if (err) break; err = got_object_open_as_tag(&se_tag, repo, se_id); free(se_id); if (err) break; se_time = got_object_tag_get_tagger_time(se_tag); got_object_tag_close(se_tag); if (se_time > re_time) { err = got_reflist_entry_dup(&new, re); if (err) return err; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_AFTER(sorted, se, new, entry); break; } se = SIMPLEQ_NEXT(se, entry); continue; } } done: return err; } #endif static const struct got_error * cmp_tags(void *arg, int *cmp, struct got_reference *ref1, struct got_reference *ref2) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = arg; struct got_object_id *id1, *id2 = NULL; struct got_tag_object *tag1 = NULL, *tag2 = NULL; time_t time1, time2; *cmp = 0; err = got_ref_resolve(&id1, repo, ref1); if (err) return err; err = got_object_open_as_tag(&tag1, repo, id1); if (err) goto done; err = got_ref_resolve(&id2, repo, ref2); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_open_as_tag(&tag2, repo, id2); if (err) goto done; time1 = got_object_tag_get_tagger_time(tag1); time2 = got_object_tag_get_tagger_time(tag2); /* Put latest tags first. */ if (time1 < time2) *cmp = 1; else if (time1 > time2) *cmp = -1; else err = got_ref_cmp_by_name(NULL, cmp, ref2, ref1); done: free(id1); free(id2); if (tag1) got_object_tag_close(tag1); if (tag2) got_object_tag_close(tag2); return err; } static const struct got_error * list_tags(struct got_repository *repo, struct got_worktree *worktree) { static const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_reflist_head refs; struct got_reflist_entry *re; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&refs); err = got_ref_list(&refs, repo, "refs/tags", cmp_tags, repo); if (err) return err; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(re, &refs, entry) { const char *refname; char *refstr, *tagmsg0, *tagmsg, *line, *id_str, *datestr; char datebuf[26]; time_t tagger_time; struct got_object_id *id; struct got_tag_object *tag; refname = got_ref_get_name(re->ref); if (strncmp(refname, "refs/tags/", 10) != 0) continue; refname += 10; refstr = got_ref_to_str(re->ref); if (refstr == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("got_ref_to_str"); break; } printf("%stag %s %s\n", GOT_COMMIT_SEP_STR, refname, refstr); free(refstr); err = got_ref_resolve(&id, repo, re->ref); if (err) break; err = got_object_open_as_tag(&tag, repo, id); free(id); if (err) break; printf("from: %s\n", got_object_tag_get_tagger(tag)); tagger_time = got_object_tag_get_tagger_time(tag); datestr = get_datestr(&tagger_time, datebuf); if (datestr) printf("date: %s UTC\n", datestr); err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag)); if (err) break; switch (got_object_tag_get_object_type(tag)) { case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB: printf("object: %s %s\n", GOT_OBJ_LABEL_BLOB, id_str); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TREE: printf("object: %s %s\n", GOT_OBJ_LABEL_TREE, id_str); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT: printf("object: %s %s\n", GOT_OBJ_LABEL_COMMIT, id_str); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TAG: printf("object: %s %s\n", GOT_OBJ_LABEL_TAG, id_str); break; default: break; } free(id_str); tagmsg0 = strdup(got_object_tag_get_message(tag)); got_object_tag_close(tag); if (tagmsg0 == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); break; } tagmsg = tagmsg0; do { line = strsep(&tagmsg, "\n"); if (line) printf(" %s\n", line); } while (line); free(tagmsg0); } got_ref_list_free(&refs); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * get_tag_message(char **tagmsg, char **tagmsg_path, const char *commit_id_str, const char *tag_name, const char *repo_path) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *template = NULL, *initial_content = NULL; char *editor = NULL; int fd = -1; if (asprintf(&template, "/tmp/got-tagmsg") == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } if (asprintf(&initial_content, "\n# tagging commit %s as %s\n", commit_id_str, tag_name) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } err = got_opentemp_named_fd(tagmsg_path, &fd, template); if (err) goto done; dprintf(fd, initial_content); close(fd); err = get_editor(&editor); if (err) goto done; err = edit_logmsg(tagmsg, editor, *tagmsg_path, initial_content); done: free(initial_content); free(template); free(editor); /* Editor is done; we can now apply unveil(2) */ if (err == NULL) { err = apply_unveil(repo_path, 0, NULL); if (err) { free(*tagmsg); *tagmsg = NULL; } } return err; } static const struct got_error * add_tag(struct got_repository *repo, const char *tag_name, const char *commit_arg, const char *tagmsg_arg) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL, *tag_id = NULL; char *label = NULL, *commit_id_str = NULL; struct got_reference *ref = NULL; char *refname = NULL, *tagmsg = NULL, *tagger = NULL; char *tagmsg_path = NULL, *tag_id_str = NULL; int preserve_tagmsg = 0; /* * Don't let the user create a tag name with a leading '-'. * While technically a valid reference name, this case is usually * an unintended typo. */ if (tag_name[0] == '-') return got_error_path(tag_name, GOT_ERR_REF_NAME_MINUS); err = get_author(&tagger, repo); if (err) return err; err = match_object_id(&commit_id, &label, commit_arg, GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT, 1, repo); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_id_str(&commit_id_str, commit_id); if (err) goto done; if (strncmp("refs/tags/", tag_name, 10) == 0) { refname = strdup(tag_name); if (refname == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } tag_name += 10; } else if (asprintf(&refname, "refs/tags/%s", tag_name) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } err = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, refname, 0); if (err == NULL) { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_TAG_EXISTS); goto done; } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) goto done; if (tagmsg_arg == NULL) { err = get_tag_message(&tagmsg, &tagmsg_path, commit_id_str, tag_name, got_repo_get_path(repo)); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY && tagmsg_path != NULL) preserve_tagmsg = 1; goto done; } } err = got_object_tag_create(&tag_id, tag_name, commit_id, tagger, time(NULL), tagmsg ? tagmsg : tagmsg_arg, repo); if (err) { if (tagmsg_path) preserve_tagmsg = 1; goto done; } err = got_ref_alloc(&ref, refname, tag_id); if (err) { if (tagmsg_path) preserve_tagmsg = 1; goto done; } err = got_ref_write(ref, repo); if (err) { if (tagmsg_path) preserve_tagmsg = 1; goto done; } err = got_object_id_str(&tag_id_str, tag_id); if (err) { if (tagmsg_path) preserve_tagmsg = 1; goto done; } printf("Created tag %s\n", tag_id_str); done: if (preserve_tagmsg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: tag message preserved in %s\n", getprogname(), tagmsg_path); } else if (tagmsg_path && unlink(tagmsg_path) == -1 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno2("unlink", tagmsg_path); free(tag_id_str); if (ref) got_ref_close(ref); free(commit_id); free(commit_id_str); free(refname); free(tagmsg); free(tagmsg_path); free(tagger); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_tag(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL, *commit_id_str = NULL; char *gitconfig_path = NULL; const char *tag_name, *commit_id_arg = NULL, *tagmsg = NULL; int ch, do_list = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "m:r:l")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'm': tagmsg = optarg; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'l': do_list = 1; break; default: usage_tag(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (do_list) { if (tagmsg) errx(1, "-l and -m options are mutually exclusive\n"); if (argc > 0) usage_tag(); } else if (argc < 1 || argc > 2) usage_tag(); else if (argc > 1) commit_id_arg = argv[1]; tag_name = argv[0]; #ifndef PROFILE if (do_list) { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); } else { if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec " "sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); } #endif cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; else error = NULL; if (worktree) { repo_path = strdup(got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); if (error) goto done; } else { repo_path = strdup(cwd); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } if (do_list) { error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, NULL); if (error) goto done; error = list_tags(repo, worktree); } else { error = get_gitconfig_path(&gitconfig_path); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, gitconfig_path); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (tagmsg) { error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, NULL); if (error) goto done; } if (commit_id_arg == NULL) { struct got_reference *head_ref; struct got_object_id *commit_id; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, worktree ? got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree) : GOT_REF_HEAD, 0); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, head_ref); got_ref_close(head_ref); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_id_str(&commit_id_str, commit_id); free(commit_id); if (error) goto done; } error = add_tag(repo, tag_name, commit_id_str ? commit_id_str : commit_id_arg, tagmsg); } done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(cwd); free(repo_path); free(gitconfig_path); free(commit_id_str); return error; } __dead static void usage_add(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s add file-path ...\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * add_progress(void *arg, unsigned char status, const char *path) { while (path[0] == '/') path++; printf("%c %s\n", status, path); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_add(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch, can_recurse = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "R")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'R': can_recurse = 1; break; default: usage_add(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc < 1) usage_add(); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (!can_recurse) { char *ondisk_path; struct stat sb; TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) { if (asprintf(&ondisk_path, "%s/%s", got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree), pe->path) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } if (lstat(ondisk_path, &sb) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { free(ondisk_path); continue; } error = got_error_from_errno2("lstat", ondisk_path); free(ondisk_path); goto done; } free(ondisk_path); if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_BAD_PATH, "adding directories requires -R option"); goto done; } } } error = got_worktree_schedule_add(worktree, &paths, add_progress, NULL, repo); done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) free((char *)pe->path); got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(cwd); return error; } __dead static void usage_remove(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s remove [-f] file-path ...\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * print_remove_status(void *arg, unsigned char status, unsigned char staged_status, const char *path, struct got_object_id *blob_id, struct got_object_id *staged_blob_id, struct got_object_id *commit_id) { if (status == GOT_STATUS_NONEXISTENT) return NULL; if (status == staged_status && (status == GOT_STATUS_DELETE)) status = GOT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; printf("%c%c %s\n", status, staged_status, path); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_remove(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch, delete_local_mods = 0; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "f")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'f': delete_local_mods = 1; break; default: usage_add(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc < 1) usage_remove(); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_schedule_delete(worktree, &paths, delete_local_mods, print_remove_status, NULL, repo); if (error) goto done; done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) free((char *)pe->path); got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(cwd); return error; } __dead static void usage_revert(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s revert [-p] [-F response-script] [-R] " "path ...\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * revert_progress(void *arg, unsigned char status, const char *path) { while (path[0] == '/') path++; printf("%c %s\n", status, path); return NULL; } struct choose_patch_arg { FILE *patch_script_file; const char *action; }; static const struct got_error * show_change(unsigned char status, const char *path, FILE *patch_file, int n, int nchanges, const char *action) { char *line = NULL; size_t linesize = 0; ssize_t linelen; switch (status) { case GOT_STATUS_ADD: printf("A %s\n%s this addition? [y/n] ", path, action); break; case GOT_STATUS_DELETE: printf("D %s\n%s this deletion? [y/n] ", path, action); break; case GOT_STATUS_MODIFY: if (fseek(patch_file, 0L, SEEK_SET) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("fseek"); printf(GOT_COMMIT_SEP_STR); while ((linelen = getline(&line, &linesize, patch_file)) != -1) printf("%s", line); if (ferror(patch_file)) return got_error_from_errno("getline"); printf(GOT_COMMIT_SEP_STR); printf("M %s (change %d of %d)\n%s this change? [y/n/q] ", path, n, nchanges, action); break; default: return got_error_path(path, GOT_ERR_FILE_STATUS); } return NULL; } static const struct got_error * choose_patch(int *choice, void *arg, unsigned char status, const char *path, FILE *patch_file, int n, int nchanges) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *line = NULL; size_t linesize = 0; ssize_t linelen; int resp = ' '; struct choose_patch_arg *a = arg; *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_NONE; if (a->patch_script_file) { char *nl; err = show_change(status, path, patch_file, n, nchanges, a->action); if (err) return err; linelen = getline(&line, &linesize, a->patch_script_file); if (linelen == -1) { if (ferror(a->patch_script_file)) return got_error_from_errno("getline"); return NULL; } nl = strchr(line, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; if (strcmp(line, "y") == 0) { *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_YES; printf("y\n"); } else if (strcmp(line, "n") == 0) { *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_NO; printf("n\n"); } else if (strcmp(line, "q") == 0 && status == GOT_STATUS_MODIFY) { *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_QUIT; printf("q\n"); } else printf("invalid response '%s'\n", line); free(line); return NULL; } while (resp != 'y' && resp != 'n' && resp != 'q') { err = show_change(status, path, patch_file, n, nchanges, a->action); if (err) return err; resp = getchar(); if (resp == '\n') resp = getchar(); if (status == GOT_STATUS_MODIFY) { if (resp != 'y' && resp != 'n' && resp != 'q') { printf("invalid response '%c'\n", resp); resp = ' '; } } else if (resp != 'y' && resp != 'n') { printf("invalid response '%c'\n", resp); resp = ' '; } } if (resp == 'y') *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_YES; else if (resp == 'n') *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_NO; else if (resp == 'q' && status == GOT_STATUS_MODIFY) *choice = GOT_PATCH_CHOICE_QUIT; return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_revert(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *path = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch, can_recurse = 0, pflag = 0; FILE *patch_script_file = NULL; const char *patch_script_path = NULL; struct choose_patch_arg cpa; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "pF:R")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 'F': patch_script_path = optarg; break; case 'R': can_recurse = 1; break; default: usage_revert(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc < 1) usage_revert(); if (patch_script_path && !pflag) errx(1, "-F option can only be used together with -p option"); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (patch_script_path) { patch_script_file = fopen(patch_script_path, "r"); if (patch_script_file == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("fopen", patch_script_path); goto done; } } error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (!can_recurse) { char *ondisk_path; struct stat sb; TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) { if (asprintf(&ondisk_path, "%s/%s", got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree), pe->path) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } if (lstat(ondisk_path, &sb) == -1) { if (errno == ENOENT) { free(ondisk_path); continue; } error = got_error_from_errno2("lstat", ondisk_path); free(ondisk_path); goto done; } free(ondisk_path); if (S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)) { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_BAD_PATH, "reverting directories requires -R option"); goto done; } } } cpa.patch_script_file = patch_script_file; cpa.action = "revert"; error = got_worktree_revert(worktree, &paths, revert_progress, NULL, pflag ? choose_patch : NULL, &cpa, repo); if (error) goto done; done: if (patch_script_file && fclose(patch_script_file) == EOF && error == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno2("fclose", patch_script_path); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(path); free(cwd); return error; } __dead static void usage_commit(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s commit [-m msg] [path ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } struct collect_commit_logmsg_arg { const char *cmdline_log; const char *editor; const char *worktree_path; const char *branch_name; const char *repo_path; char *logmsg_path; }; static const struct got_error * collect_commit_logmsg(struct got_pathlist_head *commitable_paths, char **logmsg, void *arg) { char *initial_content = NULL; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *template = NULL; struct collect_commit_logmsg_arg *a = arg; int fd; size_t len; /* if a message was specified on the command line, just use it */ if (a->cmdline_log != NULL && strlen(a->cmdline_log) != 0) { len = strlen(a->cmdline_log) + 1; *logmsg = malloc(len + 1); if (*logmsg == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("malloc"); strlcpy(*logmsg, a->cmdline_log, len); return NULL; } if (asprintf(&template, "%s/logmsg", a->worktree_path) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); if (asprintf(&initial_content, "\n# changes to be committed on branch %s:\n", a->branch_name) == -1) return got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); err = got_opentemp_named_fd(&a->logmsg_path, &fd, template); if (err) goto done; dprintf(fd, initial_content); TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, commitable_paths, entry) { struct got_commitable *ct = pe->data; dprintf(fd, "# %c %s\n", got_commitable_get_status(ct), got_commitable_get_path(ct)); } close(fd); err = edit_logmsg(logmsg, a->editor, a->logmsg_path, initial_content); done: free(initial_content); free(template); /* Editor is done; we can now apply unveil(2) */ if (err == NULL) { err = apply_unveil(a->repo_path, 0, a->worktree_path); if (err) { free(*logmsg); *logmsg = NULL; } } return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_commit(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *id_str = NULL; struct got_object_id *id = NULL; const char *logmsg = NULL; struct collect_commit_logmsg_arg cl_arg; char *gitconfig_path = NULL, *editor = NULL, *author = NULL; int ch, rebase_in_progress, histedit_in_progress, preserve_logmsg = 0; struct got_pathlist_head paths; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); cl_arg.logmsg_path = NULL; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "m:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'm': logmsg = optarg; break; default: usage_commit(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_rebase_in_progress(&rebase_in_progress, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (rebase_in_progress) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_REBASING); goto done; } error = got_worktree_histedit_in_progress(&histedit_in_progress, worktree); if (error) goto done; error = get_gitconfig_path(&gitconfig_path); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), gitconfig_path); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = get_author(&author, repo); if (error) return error; /* * unveil(2) traverses exec(2); if an editor is used we have * to apply unveil after the log message has been written. */ if (logmsg == NULL || strlen(logmsg) == 0) error = get_editor(&editor); else error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; cl_arg.editor = editor; cl_arg.cmdline_log = logmsg; cl_arg.worktree_path = got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree); cl_arg.branch_name = got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree); if (!histedit_in_progress) { if (strncmp(cl_arg.branch_name, "refs/heads/", 11) != 0) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_BRANCH); goto done; } cl_arg.branch_name += 11; } cl_arg.repo_path = got_repo_get_path(repo); error = got_worktree_commit(&id, worktree, &paths, author, NULL, collect_commit_logmsg, &cl_arg, print_status, NULL, repo); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY && cl_arg.logmsg_path != NULL) preserve_logmsg = 1; goto done; } error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, id); if (error) goto done; printf("Created commit %s\n", id_str); done: if (preserve_logmsg) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: log message preserved in %s\n", getprogname(), cl_arg.logmsg_path); } else if (cl_arg.logmsg_path && unlink(cl_arg.logmsg_path) == -1 && error == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno2("unlink", cl_arg.logmsg_path); free(cl_arg.logmsg_path); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(cwd); free(id_str); free(gitconfig_path); free(editor); free(author); return error; } __dead static void usage_cherrypick(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s cherrypick commit-id\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_cherrypick(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *commit_id_str = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; struct got_object_qid *pid; struct got_reference *head_ref = NULL; int ch, did_something = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) { switch (ch) { default: usage_cherrypick(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc != 1) usage_cherrypick(); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_match_object_id_prefix(&commit_id, argv[0], GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT, repo); if (error != NULL) { struct got_reference *ref; if (error->code != GOT_ERR_BAD_OBJ_ID_STR) goto done; error = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, argv[0], 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, ref); got_ref_close(ref); if (error != NULL) goto done; } error = got_object_id_str(&commit_id_str, commit_id); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = check_same_branch(commit_id, head_ref, NULL, repo); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY) goto done; error = NULL; } else { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_SAME_BRANCH); goto done; } error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, commit_id); if (error) goto done; pid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit)); error = got_worktree_merge_files(worktree, pid ? pid->id : NULL, commit_id, repo, update_progress, &did_something, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (did_something) printf("Merged commit %s\n", commit_id_str); done: if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); free(commit_id_str); if (head_ref) got_ref_close(head_ref); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); return error; } __dead static void usage_backout(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s backout commit-id\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_backout(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *commit_id_str = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; struct got_object_qid *pid; struct got_reference *head_ref = NULL; int ch, did_something = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) { switch (ch) { default: usage_backout(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (argc != 1) usage_backout(); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_match_object_id_prefix(&commit_id, argv[0], GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT, repo); if (error != NULL) { struct got_reference *ref; if (error->code != GOT_ERR_BAD_OBJ_ID_STR) goto done; error = got_ref_open(&ref, repo, argv[0], 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, ref); got_ref_close(ref); if (error != NULL) goto done; } error = got_object_id_str(&commit_id_str, commit_id); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_open(&head_ref, repo, got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = check_same_branch(commit_id, head_ref, NULL, repo); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, commit_id); if (error) goto done; pid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit)); if (pid == NULL) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_ROOT_COMMIT); goto done; } error = got_worktree_merge_files(worktree, commit_id, pid->id, repo, update_progress, &did_something, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (did_something) printf("Backed out commit %s\n", commit_id_str); done: if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); free(commit_id_str); if (head_ref) got_ref_close(head_ref); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); return error; } __dead static void usage_rebase(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s rebase [-a] | [-c] | branch\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } void trim_logmsg(char *logmsg, int limit) { char *nl; size_t len; len = strlen(logmsg); if (len > limit) len = limit; logmsg[len] = '\0'; nl = strchr(logmsg, '\n'); if (nl) *nl = '\0'; } static const struct got_error * get_short_logmsg(char **logmsg, int limit, struct got_commit_object *commit) { const struct got_error *err; char *logmsg0 = NULL; const char *s; err = got_object_commit_get_logmsg(&logmsg0, commit); if (err) return err; s = logmsg0; while (isspace((unsigned char)s[0])) s++; *logmsg = strdup(s); if (*logmsg == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } trim_logmsg(*logmsg, limit); done: free(logmsg0); return err; } static const struct got_error * show_rebase_progress(struct got_commit_object *commit, struct got_object_id *old_id, struct got_object_id *new_id) { const struct got_error *err; char *old_id_str = NULL, *new_id_str = NULL, *logmsg = NULL; err = got_object_id_str(&old_id_str, old_id); if (err) goto done; if (new_id) { err = got_object_id_str(&new_id_str, new_id); if (err) goto done; } old_id_str[12] = '\0'; if (new_id_str) new_id_str[12] = '\0'; err = get_short_logmsg(&logmsg, 42, commit); if (err) goto done; printf("%s -> %s: %s\n", old_id_str, new_id_str ? new_id_str : "no-op change", logmsg); done: free(old_id_str); free(new_id_str); return err; } static const struct got_error * rebase_progress(void *arg, unsigned char status, const char *path) { unsigned char *rebase_status = arg; while (path[0] == '/') path++; printf("%c %s\n", status, path); if (*rebase_status == GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT) return NULL; if (status == GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT || status == GOT_STATUS_MERGE) *rebase_status = status; return NULL; } static const struct got_error * rebase_complete(struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_fileindex *fileindex, struct got_reference *branch, struct got_reference *new_base_branch, struct got_reference *tmp_branch, struct got_repository *repo) { printf("Switching work tree to %s\n", got_ref_get_name(branch)); return got_worktree_rebase_complete(worktree, fileindex, new_base_branch, tmp_branch, branch, repo); } static const struct got_error * rebase_commit(struct got_pathlist_head *merged_paths, struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_fileindex *fileindex, struct got_reference *tmp_branch, struct got_object_id *commit_id, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_commit_object *commit; struct got_object_id *new_commit_id; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, commit_id); if (error) return error; error = got_worktree_rebase_commit(&new_commit_id, merged_paths, worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, commit, commit_id, repo); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_NO_CHANGES) goto done; error = show_rebase_progress(commit, commit_id, NULL); } else { error = show_rebase_progress(commit, commit_id, new_commit_id); free(new_commit_id); } done: got_object_commit_close(commit); return error; } struct check_path_prefix_arg { const char *path_prefix; size_t len; int errcode; }; static const struct got_error * check_path_prefix_in_diff(void *arg, struct got_blob_object *blob1, struct got_blob_object *blob2, struct got_object_id *id1, struct got_object_id *id2, const char *path1, const char *path2, mode_t mode1, mode_t mode2, struct got_repository *repo) { struct check_path_prefix_arg *a = arg; if ((path1 && !got_path_is_child(path1, a->path_prefix, a->len)) || (path2 && !got_path_is_child(path2, a->path_prefix, a->len))) return got_error(a->errcode); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * check_path_prefix(struct got_object_id *parent_id, struct got_object_id *commit_id, const char *path_prefix, int errcode, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_tree_object *tree1 = NULL, *tree2 = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL, *parent_commit = NULL; struct check_path_prefix_arg cpp_arg; if (got_path_is_root_dir(path_prefix)) return NULL; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, commit_id); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&parent_commit, repo, parent_id); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_open_as_tree(&tree1, repo, got_object_commit_get_tree_id(parent_commit)); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_open_as_tree(&tree2, repo, got_object_commit_get_tree_id(commit)); if (err) goto done; cpp_arg.path_prefix = path_prefix; while (cpp_arg.path_prefix[0] == '/') cpp_arg.path_prefix++; cpp_arg.len = strlen(cpp_arg.path_prefix); cpp_arg.errcode = errcode; err = got_diff_tree(tree1, tree2, "", "", repo, check_path_prefix_in_diff, &cpp_arg, 0); done: if (tree1) got_object_tree_close(tree1); if (tree2) got_object_tree_close(tree2); if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); if (parent_commit) got_object_commit_close(parent_commit); return err; } static const struct got_error * collect_commits(struct got_object_id_queue *commits, struct got_object_id *initial_commit_id, struct got_object_id *iter_start_id, struct got_object_id *iter_stop_id, const char *path_prefix, int path_prefix_errcode, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_commit_graph *graph = NULL; struct got_object_id *parent_id = NULL; struct got_object_qid *qid; struct got_object_id *commit_id = initial_commit_id; err = got_commit_graph_open(&graph, initial_commit_id, "/", 1, repo); if (err) return err; err = got_commit_graph_iter_start(graph, iter_start_id, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) goto done; while (got_object_id_cmp(commit_id, iter_stop_id) != 0) { err = got_commit_graph_iter_next(&parent_id, graph); if (err) { if (err->code == GOT_ERR_ITER_COMPLETED) { err = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY, "ran out of commits to rebase before " "youngest common ancestor commit has " "been reached?!?"); goto done; } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_ITER_NEED_MORE) goto done; err = got_commit_graph_fetch_commits(graph, 1, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (err) goto done; } else { err = check_path_prefix(parent_id, commit_id, path_prefix, path_prefix_errcode, repo); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_qid_alloc(&qid, commit_id); if (err) goto done; SIMPLEQ_INSERT_HEAD(commits, qid, entry); commit_id = parent_id; } } done: got_commit_graph_close(graph); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_rebase(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_fileindex *fileindex = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_reference *branch = NULL; struct got_reference *new_base_branch = NULL, *tmp_branch = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL, *parent_id = NULL; struct got_object_id *resume_commit_id = NULL; struct got_object_id *branch_head_commit_id = NULL, *yca_id = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; int ch, rebase_in_progress = 0, abort_rebase = 0, continue_rebase = 0; unsigned char rebase_status = GOT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; struct got_object_id_queue commits; struct got_pathlist_head merged_paths; const struct got_object_id_queue *parent_ids; struct got_object_qid *qid, *pid; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&commits); TAILQ_INIT(&merged_paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "ac")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'a': abort_rebase = 1; break; case 'c': continue_rebase = 1; break; default: usage_rebase(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (abort_rebase && continue_rebase) usage_rebase(); else if (abort_rebase || continue_rebase) { if (argc != 0) usage_rebase(); } else if (argc != 1) usage_rebase(); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_rebase_in_progress(&rebase_in_progress, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (abort_rebase) { int did_something; if (!rebase_in_progress) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_NOT_REBASING); goto done; } error = got_worktree_rebase_continue(&resume_commit_id, &new_base_branch, &tmp_branch, &branch, &fileindex, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; printf("Switching work tree to %s\n", got_ref_get_symref_target(new_base_branch)); error = got_worktree_rebase_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, new_base_branch, update_progress, &did_something); if (error) goto done; printf("Rebase of %s aborted\n", got_ref_get_name(branch)); goto done; /* nothing else to do */ } if (continue_rebase) { if (!rebase_in_progress) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_NOT_REBASING); goto done; } error = got_worktree_rebase_continue(&resume_commit_id, &new_base_branch, &tmp_branch, &branch, &fileindex, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; error = rebase_commit(NULL, worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, resume_commit_id, repo); if (error) goto done; yca_id = got_object_id_dup(resume_commit_id); if (yca_id == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("got_object_id_dup"); goto done; } } else { error = got_ref_open(&branch, repo, argv[0], 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; } error = got_ref_resolve(&branch_head_commit_id, repo, branch); if (error) goto done; if (!continue_rebase) { struct got_object_id *base_commit_id; base_commit_id = got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree); error = got_commit_graph_find_youngest_common_ancestor(&yca_id, base_commit_id, branch_head_commit_id, repo, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (yca_id == NULL) { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY, "specified branch shares no common ancestry " "with work tree's branch"); goto done; } error = check_same_branch(base_commit_id, branch, yca_id, repo); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY) goto done; error = NULL; } else { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_SAME_BRANCH, "specified branch resolves to a commit which " "is already contained in work tree's branch"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_rebase_prepare(&new_base_branch, &tmp_branch, &fileindex, worktree, branch, repo); if (error) goto done; } commit_id = branch_head_commit_id; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, commit_id); if (error) goto done; parent_ids = got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit); pid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(parent_ids); if (pid == NULL) { if (!continue_rebase) { int did_something; error = got_worktree_rebase_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, new_base_branch, update_progress, &did_something); if (error) goto done; printf("Rebase of %s aborted\n", got_ref_get_name(branch)); } error = got_error(GOT_ERR_EMPTY_REBASE); goto done; } error = collect_commits(&commits, commit_id, pid->id, yca_id, got_worktree_get_path_prefix(worktree), GOT_ERR_REBASE_PATH, repo); got_object_commit_close(commit); commit = NULL; if (error) goto done; if (SIMPLEQ_EMPTY(&commits)) { if (continue_rebase) { error = rebase_complete(worktree, fileindex, branch, new_base_branch, tmp_branch, repo); goto done; } else { /* Fast-forward the reference of the branch. */ struct got_object_id *new_head_commit_id; char *id_str; error = got_ref_resolve(&new_head_commit_id, repo, new_base_branch); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, new_head_commit_id); printf("Forwarding %s to commit %s\n", got_ref_get_name(branch), id_str); free(id_str); error = got_ref_change_ref(branch, new_head_commit_id); if (error) goto done; } } pid = NULL; SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(qid, &commits, entry) { commit_id = qid->id; parent_id = pid ? pid->id : yca_id; pid = qid; error = got_worktree_rebase_merge_files(&merged_paths, worktree, fileindex, parent_id, commit_id, repo, rebase_progress, &rebase_status, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (rebase_status == GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT) { got_worktree_rebase_pathlist_free(&merged_paths); break; } error = rebase_commit(&merged_paths, worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, commit_id, repo); got_worktree_rebase_pathlist_free(&merged_paths); if (error) goto done; } if (rebase_status == GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT) { error = got_worktree_rebase_postpone(worktree, fileindex); if (error) goto done; error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_CONFLICTS, "conflicts must be resolved before rebasing can continue"); } else error = rebase_complete(worktree, fileindex, branch, new_base_branch, tmp_branch, repo); done: got_object_id_queue_free(&commits); free(branch_head_commit_id); free(resume_commit_id); free(yca_id); if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); if (branch) got_ref_close(branch); if (new_base_branch) got_ref_close(new_base_branch); if (tmp_branch) got_ref_close(tmp_branch); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); return error; } __dead static void usage_histedit(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s histedit [-a] [-c] [-F histedit-script]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } #define GOT_HISTEDIT_PICK 'p' #define GOT_HISTEDIT_EDIT 'e' #define GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD 'f' #define GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP 'd' #define GOT_HISTEDIT_MESG 'm' static struct got_histedit_cmd { unsigned char code; const char *name; const char *desc; } got_histedit_cmds[] = { { GOT_HISTEDIT_PICK, "pick", "use commit" }, { GOT_HISTEDIT_EDIT, "edit", "use commit but stop for amending" }, { GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD, "fold", "combine with commit below" }, { GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP, "drop", "remove commit from history" }, { GOT_HISTEDIT_MESG, "mesg", "single-line log message for commit above (open editor if empty)" }, }; struct got_histedit_list_entry { TAILQ_ENTRY(got_histedit_list_entry) entry; struct got_object_id *commit_id; const struct got_histedit_cmd *cmd; char *logmsg; }; TAILQ_HEAD(got_histedit_list, got_histedit_list_entry); static const struct got_error * histedit_write_commit(struct got_object_id *commit_id, const char *cmdname, FILE *f, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *logmsg = NULL, *id_str = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; int n; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, commit_id); if (err) goto done; err = get_short_logmsg(&logmsg, 34, commit); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, commit_id); if (err) goto done; n = fprintf(f, "%s %s %s\n", cmdname, id_str, logmsg); if (n < 0) err = got_ferror(f, GOT_ERR_IO); done: if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); free(id_str); free(logmsg); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_write_commit_list(struct got_object_id_queue *commits, FILE *f, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_object_qid *qid; if (SIMPLEQ_EMPTY(commits)) return got_error(GOT_ERR_EMPTY_HISTEDIT); SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(qid, commits, entry) { err = histedit_write_commit(qid->id, got_histedit_cmds[0].name, f, repo); if (err) break; } return err; } static const struct got_error * write_cmd_list(FILE *f) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; int n, i; n = fprintf(f, "# Available histedit commands:\n"); if (n < 0) return got_ferror(f, GOT_ERR_IO); for (i = 0; i < nitems(got_histedit_cmds); i++) { struct got_histedit_cmd *cmd = &got_histedit_cmds[i]; n = fprintf(f, "# %s (%c): %s\n", cmd->name, cmd->code, cmd->desc); if (n < 0) { err = got_ferror(f, GOT_ERR_IO); break; } } n = fprintf(f, "# Commits will be processed in order from top to " "bottom of this file.\n"); if (n < 0) return got_ferror(f, GOT_ERR_IO); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_syntax_error(int lineno) { static char msg[42]; int ret; ret = snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "histedit syntax error on line %d", lineno); if (ret == -1 || ret >= sizeof(msg)) return got_error(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_SYNTAX); return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_SYNTAX, msg); } static const struct got_error * append_folded_commit_msg(char **new_msg, struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle, char *logmsg, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_commit_object *folded_commit = NULL; char *id_str, *folded_logmsg = NULL; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, hle->commit_id); if (err) return err; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&folded_commit, repo, hle->commit_id); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_commit_get_logmsg(&folded_logmsg, folded_commit); if (err) goto done; if (asprintf(new_msg, "%s%s# log message of folded commit %s: %s", logmsg ? logmsg : "", logmsg ? "\n" : "", id_str, folded_logmsg) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } done: if (folded_commit) got_object_commit_close(folded_commit); free(id_str); free(folded_logmsg); return err; } static struct got_histedit_list_entry * get_folded_commits(struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle) { struct got_histedit_list_entry *prev, *folded = NULL; prev = TAILQ_PREV(hle, got_histedit_list, entry); while (prev && (prev->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD || prev->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP)) { if (prev->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD) folded = prev; prev = TAILQ_PREV(prev, got_histedit_list, entry); } return folded; } static const struct got_error * histedit_edit_logmsg(struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle, struct got_repository *repo) { char *logmsg_path = NULL, *id_str = NULL, *orig_logmsg = NULL; char *logmsg = NULL, *new_msg = NULL, *editor = NULL; const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; int fd; struct got_histedit_list_entry *folded = NULL; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, hle->commit_id); if (err) return err; folded = get_folded_commits(hle); if (folded) { while (folded != hle) { if (folded->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP) { folded = TAILQ_NEXT(folded, entry); continue; } err = append_folded_commit_msg(&new_msg, folded, logmsg, repo); if (err) goto done; free(logmsg); logmsg = new_msg; folded = TAILQ_NEXT(folded, entry); } } err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, hle->commit_id); if (err) goto done; err = got_object_commit_get_logmsg(&orig_logmsg, commit); if (err) goto done; if (asprintf(&new_msg, "%s\n# original log message of commit %s: %s", logmsg ? logmsg : "", id_str, orig_logmsg) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } free(logmsg); logmsg = new_msg; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, hle->commit_id); if (err) goto done; err = got_opentemp_named_fd(&logmsg_path, &fd, "/tmp/got-logmsg"); if (err) goto done; dprintf(fd, logmsg); close(fd); err = get_editor(&editor); if (err) goto done; err = edit_logmsg(&hle->logmsg, editor, logmsg_path, logmsg); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_MSG_EMPTY) goto done; err = got_object_commit_get_logmsg(&hle->logmsg, commit); } done: if (logmsg_path && unlink(logmsg_path) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno2("unlink", logmsg_path); free(logmsg_path); free(logmsg); free(orig_logmsg); free(editor); if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_parse_list(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, FILE *f, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *line = NULL, *p, *end; size_t size; ssize_t len; int lineno = 0, i; const struct got_histedit_cmd *cmd; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL; struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle = NULL; for (;;) { len = getline(&line, &size, f); if (len == -1) { const struct got_error *getline_err; if (feof(f)) break; getline_err = got_error_from_errno("getline"); err = got_ferror(f, getline_err->code); break; } lineno++; p = line; while (isspace((unsigned char)p[0])) p++; if (p[0] == '#' || p[0] == '\0') { free(line); line = NULL; continue; } cmd = NULL; for (i = 0; i < nitems(got_histedit_cmds); i++) { cmd = &got_histedit_cmds[i]; if (strncmp(cmd->name, p, strlen(cmd->name)) == 0 && isspace((unsigned char)p[strlen(cmd->name)])) { p += strlen(cmd->name); break; } if (p[0] == cmd->code && isspace((unsigned char)p[1])) { p++; break; } } if (i == nitems(got_histedit_cmds)) { err = histedit_syntax_error(lineno); break; } while (isspace((unsigned char)p[0])) p++; if (cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_MESG) { if (hle == NULL || hle->logmsg != NULL) { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CMD); break; } if (p[0] == '\0') { err = histedit_edit_logmsg(hle, repo); if (err) break; } else { hle->logmsg = strdup(p); if (hle->logmsg == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); break; } } free(line); line = NULL; continue; } else { end = p; while (end[0] && !isspace((unsigned char)end[0])) end++; *end = '\0'; err = got_object_resolve_id_str(&commit_id, repo, p); if (err) { /* override error code */ err = histedit_syntax_error(lineno); break; } } hle = malloc(sizeof(*hle)); if (hle == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("malloc"); break; } hle->cmd = cmd; hle->commit_id = commit_id; hle->logmsg = NULL; commit_id = NULL; free(line); line = NULL; TAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(histedit_cmds, hle, entry); } free(line); free(commit_id); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_check_script(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, struct got_object_id_queue *commits, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; struct got_object_qid *qid; struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle; static char msg[80]; char *id_str; if (TAILQ_EMPTY(histedit_cmds)) return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_EMPTY_HISTEDIT, "histedit script contains no commands"); if (SIMPLEQ_EMPTY(commits)) return got_error(GOT_ERR_EMPTY_HISTEDIT); SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(qid, commits, entry) { TAILQ_FOREACH(hle, histedit_cmds, entry) { if (got_object_id_cmp(qid->id, hle->commit_id) == 0) break; } if (hle == NULL) { err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, qid->id); if (err) return err; snprintf(msg, sizeof(msg), "commit %s missing from histedit script", id_str); free(id_str); return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CMD, msg); } } hle = TAILQ_LAST(histedit_cmds, got_histedit_list); if (hle && hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD) return got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CMD, "last commit in histedit script cannot be folded"); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * histedit_run_editor(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, const char *path, struct got_object_id_queue *commits, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *editor; FILE *f = NULL; err = get_editor(&editor); if (err) return err; if (spawn_editor(editor, path) == -1) { err = got_error_from_errno("failed spawning editor"); goto done; } f = fopen(path, "r"); if (f == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("fopen"); goto done; } err = histedit_parse_list(histedit_cmds, f, repo); if (err) goto done; err = histedit_check_script(histedit_cmds, commits, repo); done: if (f && fclose(f) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); free(editor); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_edit_list_retry(struct got_histedit_list *, const struct got_error *, struct got_object_id_queue *, const char *, struct got_repository *); static const struct got_error * histedit_edit_script(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, struct got_object_id_queue *commits, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; FILE *f = NULL; char *path = NULL; err = got_opentemp_named(&path, &f, "got-histedit"); if (err) return err; err = write_cmd_list(f); if (err) goto done; err = histedit_write_commit_list(commits, f, repo); if (err) goto done; if (fclose(f) != 0) { err = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); goto done; } f = NULL; err = histedit_run_editor(histedit_cmds, path, commits, repo); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_SYNTAX && err->code != GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CMD) goto done; err = histedit_edit_list_retry(histedit_cmds, err, commits, path, repo); } done: if (f && fclose(f) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); if (path && unlink(path) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno2("unlink", path); free(path); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_save_list(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *path = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; err = got_worktree_get_histedit_script_path(&path, worktree); if (err) return err; f = fopen(path, "w"); if (f == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno2("fopen", path); goto done; } TAILQ_FOREACH(hle, histedit_cmds, entry) { err = histedit_write_commit(hle->commit_id, hle->cmd->name, f, repo); if (err) break; if (hle->logmsg) { int n = fprintf(f, "%c %s\n", GOT_HISTEDIT_MESG, hle->logmsg); if (n < 0) { err = got_ferror(f, GOT_ERR_IO); break; } } } done: if (f && fclose(f) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); free(path); if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); return err; } void histedit_free_list(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds) { struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle; while ((hle = TAILQ_FIRST(histedit_cmds))) { TAILQ_REMOVE(histedit_cmds, hle, entry); free(hle); } } static const struct got_error * histedit_load_list(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, const char *path, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; f = fopen(path, "r"); if (f == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno2("fopen", path); goto done; } err = histedit_parse_list(histedit_cmds, f, repo); done: if (f && fclose(f) != 0 && err == NULL) err = got_error_from_errno("fclose"); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_edit_list_retry(struct got_histedit_list *histedit_cmds, const struct got_error *edit_err, struct got_object_id_queue *commits, const char *path, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err = NULL, *prev_err = edit_err; int resp = ' '; while (resp != 'c' && resp != 'r' && resp != 'a') { printf("%s: %s\n(c)ontinue editing, (r)estart editing, " "or (a)bort: ", getprogname(), prev_err->msg); resp = getchar(); if (resp == '\n') resp = getchar(); if (resp == 'c') { histedit_free_list(histedit_cmds); err = histedit_run_editor(histedit_cmds, path, commits, repo); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_SYNTAX && err->code != GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CMD) break; prev_err = err; resp = ' '; continue; } break; } else if (resp == 'r') { histedit_free_list(histedit_cmds); err = histedit_edit_script(histedit_cmds, commits, repo); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_SYNTAX && err->code != GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CMD) break; prev_err = err; resp = ' '; continue; } break; } else if (resp == 'a') { err = got_error(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_CANCEL); break; } else printf("invalid response '%c'\n", resp); } return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_complete(struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_fileindex *fileindex, struct got_reference *tmp_branch, struct got_reference *branch, struct got_repository *repo) { printf("Switching work tree to %s\n", got_ref_get_symref_target(branch)); return got_worktree_histedit_complete(worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, branch, repo); } static const struct got_error * show_histedit_progress(struct got_commit_object *commit, struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle, struct got_object_id *new_id) { const struct got_error *err; char *old_id_str = NULL, *new_id_str = NULL, *logmsg = NULL; err = got_object_id_str(&old_id_str, hle->commit_id); if (err) goto done; if (new_id) { err = got_object_id_str(&new_id_str, new_id); if (err) goto done; } old_id_str[12] = '\0'; if (new_id_str) new_id_str[12] = '\0'; if (hle->logmsg) { logmsg = strdup(hle->logmsg); if (logmsg == NULL) { err = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } trim_logmsg(logmsg, 42); } else { err = get_short_logmsg(&logmsg, 42, commit); if (err) goto done; } switch (hle->cmd->code) { case GOT_HISTEDIT_PICK: case GOT_HISTEDIT_EDIT: printf("%s -> %s: %s\n", old_id_str, new_id_str ? new_id_str : "no-op change", logmsg); break; case GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP: case GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD: printf("%s -> %s commit: %s\n", old_id_str, hle->cmd->name, logmsg); break; default: break; } done: free(old_id_str); free(new_id_str); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_commit(struct got_pathlist_head *merged_paths, struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_fileindex *fileindex, struct got_reference *tmp_branch, struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_commit_object *commit; struct got_object_id *new_commit_id; if ((hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_EDIT || get_folded_commits(hle)) && hle->logmsg == NULL) { err = histedit_edit_logmsg(hle, repo); if (err) return err; } err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, hle->commit_id); if (err) return err; err = got_worktree_histedit_commit(&new_commit_id, merged_paths, worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, commit, hle->commit_id, hle->logmsg, repo); if (err) { if (err->code != GOT_ERR_COMMIT_NO_CHANGES) goto done; err = show_histedit_progress(commit, hle, NULL); } else { err = show_histedit_progress(commit, hle, new_commit_id); free(new_commit_id); } done: got_object_commit_close(commit); return err; } static const struct got_error * histedit_skip_commit(struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle, struct got_worktree *worktree, struct got_repository *repo) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_commit_object *commit; error = got_worktree_histedit_skip_commit(worktree, hle->commit_id, repo); if (error) return error; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, hle->commit_id); if (error) return error; error = show_histedit_progress(commit, hle, NULL); got_object_commit_close(commit); return error; } static const struct got_error * cmd_histedit(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; struct got_fileindex *fileindex = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_reference *branch = NULL; struct got_reference *tmp_branch = NULL; struct got_object_id *resume_commit_id = NULL; struct got_object_id *base_commit_id = NULL; struct got_object_id *head_commit_id = NULL; struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL; int ch, rebase_in_progress = 0, did_something; int edit_in_progress = 0, abort_edit = 0, continue_edit = 0; const char *edit_script_path = NULL; unsigned char rebase_status = GOT_STATUS_NO_CHANGE; struct got_object_id_queue commits; struct got_pathlist_head merged_paths; const struct got_object_id_queue *parent_ids; struct got_object_qid *pid; struct got_histedit_list histedit_cmds; struct got_histedit_list_entry *hle; SIMPLEQ_INIT(&commits); TAILQ_INIT(&histedit_cmds); TAILQ_INIT(&merged_paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "acF:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'a': abort_edit = 1; break; case 'c': continue_edit = 1; break; case 'F': edit_script_path = optarg; break; default: usage_histedit(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (abort_edit && continue_edit) usage_histedit(); if (argc != 0) usage_histedit(); /* * This command cannot apply unveil(2) in all cases because the * user may choose to run an editor to edit the histedit script * and to edit individual commit log messages. * unveil(2) traverses exec(2); if an editor is used we have to * apply unveil after edit script and log messages have been written. * XXX TODO: Make use of unveil(2) where possible. */ cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = got_worktree_rebase_in_progress(&rebase_in_progress, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (rebase_in_progress) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_REBASING); goto done; } error = got_worktree_histedit_in_progress(&edit_in_progress, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (edit_in_progress && abort_edit) { error = got_worktree_histedit_continue(&resume_commit_id, &tmp_branch, &branch, &base_commit_id, &fileindex, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; printf("Switching work tree to %s\n", got_ref_get_symref_target(branch)); error = got_worktree_histedit_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch, base_commit_id, update_progress, &did_something); if (error) goto done; printf("Histedit of %s aborted\n", got_ref_get_symref_target(branch)); goto done; /* nothing else to do */ } else if (abort_edit) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_NOT_HISTEDIT); goto done; } if (continue_edit) { char *path; if (!edit_in_progress) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_NOT_HISTEDIT); goto done; } error = got_worktree_get_histedit_script_path(&path, worktree); if (error) goto done; error = histedit_load_list(&histedit_cmds, path, repo); free(path); if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_histedit_continue(&resume_commit_id, &tmp_branch, &branch, &base_commit_id, &fileindex, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&head_commit_id, repo, branch); if (error) goto done; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, head_commit_id); if (error) goto done; parent_ids = got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit); pid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(parent_ids); if (pid == NULL) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_EMPTY_HISTEDIT); goto done; } error = collect_commits(&commits, head_commit_id, pid->id, base_commit_id, got_worktree_get_path_prefix(worktree), GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_PATH, repo); got_object_commit_close(commit); commit = NULL; if (error) goto done; } else { if (edit_in_progress) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_BUSY); goto done; } error = got_ref_open(&branch, repo, got_worktree_get_head_ref_name(worktree), 0); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (strncmp(got_ref_get_name(branch), "refs/heads/", 11) != 0) { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_COMMIT_BRANCH, "will not edit commit history of a branch outside " "the \"refs/heads/\" reference namespace"); goto done; } error = got_ref_resolve(&head_commit_id, repo, branch); got_ref_close(branch); branch = NULL; if (error) goto done; error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, head_commit_id); if (error) goto done; parent_ids = got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit); pid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(parent_ids); if (pid == NULL) { error = got_error(GOT_ERR_EMPTY_HISTEDIT); goto done; } error = collect_commits(&commits, head_commit_id, pid->id, got_worktree_get_base_commit_id(worktree), got_worktree_get_path_prefix(worktree), GOT_ERR_HISTEDIT_PATH, repo); got_object_commit_close(commit); commit = NULL; if (error) goto done; error = got_worktree_histedit_prepare(&tmp_branch, &branch, &base_commit_id, &fileindex, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; if (edit_script_path) { error = histedit_load_list(&histedit_cmds, edit_script_path, repo); if (error) { got_worktree_histedit_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch, base_commit_id, update_progress, &did_something); goto done; } } else { error = histedit_edit_script(&histedit_cmds, &commits, repo); if (error) { got_worktree_histedit_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch, base_commit_id, update_progress, &did_something); goto done; } } error = histedit_save_list(&histedit_cmds, worktree, repo); if (error) { got_worktree_histedit_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch, base_commit_id, update_progress, &did_something); goto done; } } error = histedit_check_script(&histedit_cmds, &commits, repo); if (error) goto done; TAILQ_FOREACH(hle, &histedit_cmds, entry) { if (resume_commit_id) { if (got_object_id_cmp(hle->commit_id, resume_commit_id) != 0) continue; resume_commit_id = NULL; if (hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP || hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD) { error = histedit_skip_commit(hle, worktree, repo); } else { error = histedit_commit(NULL, worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, hle, repo); } if (error) goto done; continue; } if (hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_DROP) { error = histedit_skip_commit(hle, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; continue; } error = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, hle->commit_id); if (error) goto done; parent_ids = got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit); pid = SIMPLEQ_FIRST(parent_ids); error = got_worktree_histedit_merge_files(&merged_paths, worktree, fileindex, pid->id, hle->commit_id, repo, rebase_progress, &rebase_status, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; got_object_commit_close(commit); commit = NULL; if (rebase_status == GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT) { got_worktree_rebase_pathlist_free(&merged_paths); break; } if (hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_EDIT) { char *id_str; error = got_object_id_str(&id_str, hle->commit_id); if (error) goto done; printf("Stopping histedit for amending commit %s\n", id_str); free(id_str); got_worktree_rebase_pathlist_free(&merged_paths); error = got_worktree_histedit_postpone(worktree, fileindex); goto done; } if (hle->cmd->code == GOT_HISTEDIT_FOLD) { error = histedit_skip_commit(hle, worktree, repo); if (error) goto done; continue; } error = histedit_commit(&merged_paths, worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, hle, repo); got_worktree_rebase_pathlist_free(&merged_paths); if (error) goto done; } if (rebase_status == GOT_STATUS_CONFLICT) { error = got_worktree_histedit_postpone(worktree, fileindex); if (error) goto done; error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_CONFLICTS, "conflicts must be resolved before rebasing can continue"); } else error = histedit_complete(worktree, fileindex, tmp_branch, branch, repo); done: got_object_id_queue_free(&commits); histedit_free_list(&histedit_cmds); free(head_commit_id); free(base_commit_id); free(resume_commit_id); if (commit) got_object_commit_close(commit); if (branch) got_ref_close(branch); if (tmp_branch) got_ref_close(tmp_branch); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); return error; } __dead static void usage_integrate(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s integrate branch\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_integrate(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *refname = NULL, *base_refname = NULL; const char *branch_arg = NULL; struct got_reference *branch_ref = NULL, *base_branch_ref = NULL; struct got_fileindex *fileindex = NULL; struct got_object_id *commit_id = NULL, *base_commit_id = NULL; int ch, did_something = 0; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "")) != -1) { switch (ch) { default: usage_integrate(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (argc != 1) usage_integrate(); branch_arg = argv[0]; if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = check_rebase_or_histedit_in_progress(worktree); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; if (asprintf(&refname, "refs/heads/%s", branch_arg) == -1) { error = got_error_from_errno("asprintf"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_integrate_prepare(&fileindex, &branch_ref, &base_branch_ref, worktree, refname, repo); if (error) goto done; refname = strdup(got_ref_get_name(branch_ref)); if (refname == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); got_worktree_integrate_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch_ref, base_branch_ref); goto done; } base_refname = strdup(got_ref_get_name(base_branch_ref)); if (base_refname == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); got_worktree_integrate_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch_ref, base_branch_ref); goto done; } error = got_ref_resolve(&commit_id, repo, branch_ref); if (error) goto done; error = got_ref_resolve(&base_commit_id, repo, base_branch_ref); if (error) goto done; if (got_object_id_cmp(commit_id, base_commit_id) == 0) { error = got_error_msg(GOT_ERR_SAME_BRANCH, "specified branch has already been integrated"); got_worktree_integrate_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch_ref, base_branch_ref); goto done; } error = check_linear_ancestry(commit_id, base_commit_id, 1, repo); if (error) { if (error->code == GOT_ERR_ANCESTRY) error = got_error(GOT_ERR_REBASE_REQUIRED); got_worktree_integrate_abort(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch_ref, base_branch_ref); goto done; } error = got_worktree_integrate_continue(worktree, fileindex, repo, branch_ref, base_branch_ref, update_progress, &did_something, check_cancelled, NULL); if (error) goto done; printf("Integrated %s into %s\n", refname, base_refname); done: if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); free(cwd); free(base_commit_id); free(commit_id); free(refname); free(base_refname); return error; } __dead static void usage_stage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s stage [-l] | [-p] [-F response-script] " "[file-path ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * print_stage(void *arg, unsigned char status, unsigned char staged_status, const char *path, struct got_object_id *blob_id, struct got_object_id *staged_blob_id, struct got_object_id *commit_id) { const struct got_error *err = NULL; char *id_str = NULL; if (staged_status != GOT_STATUS_ADD && staged_status != GOT_STATUS_MODIFY && staged_status != GOT_STATUS_DELETE) return NULL; if (staged_status == GOT_STATUS_ADD || staged_status == GOT_STATUS_MODIFY) err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, staged_blob_id); else err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, blob_id); if (err) return err; printf("%s %c %s\n", id_str, staged_status, path); free(id_str); return NULL; } static const struct got_error * cmd_stage(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch, list_stage = 0, pflag = 0; FILE *patch_script_file = NULL; const char *patch_script_path = NULL; struct choose_patch_arg cpa; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "lpF:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'l': list_stage = 1; break; case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 'F': patch_script_path = optarg; break; default: usage_stage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (list_stage && (pflag || patch_script_path)) errx(1, "-l option cannot be used with other options"); if (patch_script_path && !pflag) errx(1, "-F option can only be used together with -p option"); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (patch_script_path) { patch_script_file = fopen(patch_script_path, "r"); if (patch_script_file == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("fopen", patch_script_path); goto done; } } error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; if (list_stage) error = got_worktree_status(worktree, &paths, repo, print_stage, NULL, check_cancelled, NULL); else { cpa.patch_script_file = patch_script_file; cpa.action = "stage"; error = got_worktree_stage(worktree, &paths, pflag ? NULL : print_status, NULL, pflag ? choose_patch : NULL, &cpa, repo); } done: if (patch_script_file && fclose(patch_script_file) == EOF && error == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno2("fclose", patch_script_path); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) free((char *)pe->path); got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(cwd); return error; } __dead static void usage_unstage(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s unstage [-p] [-F response-script] " "[file-path ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cmd_unstage(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error = NULL; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL; struct got_pathlist_head paths; struct got_pathlist_entry *pe; int ch, did_something = 0, pflag = 0; FILE *patch_script_file = NULL; const char *patch_script_path = NULL; struct choose_patch_arg cpa; TAILQ_INIT(&paths); while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "pF:")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'p': pflag = 1; break; case 'F': patch_script_path = optarg; break; default: usage_unstage(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath fattr flock proc exec sendfd " "unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif if (patch_script_path && !pflag) errx(1, "-F option can only be used together with -p option"); cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error) goto done; error = got_repo_open(&repo, got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree), NULL); if (error != NULL) goto done; if (patch_script_path) { patch_script_file = fopen(patch_script_path, "r"); if (patch_script_file == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno2("fopen", patch_script_path); goto done; } } error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 0, got_worktree_get_root_path(worktree)); if (error) goto done; error = get_worktree_paths_from_argv(&paths, argc, argv, worktree); if (error) goto done; cpa.patch_script_file = patch_script_file; cpa.action = "unstage"; error = got_worktree_unstage(worktree, &paths, update_progress, &did_something, pflag ? choose_patch : NULL, &cpa, repo); done: if (patch_script_file && fclose(patch_script_file) == EOF && error == NULL) error = got_error_from_errno2("fclose", patch_script_path); if (repo) got_repo_close(repo); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &paths, entry) free((char *)pe->path); got_pathlist_free(&paths); free(cwd); return error; } __dead static void usage_cat(void) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s cat [-r repository ] [ -c commit ] [ -P ] " "arg1 [arg2 ...]\n", getprogname()); exit(1); } static const struct got_error * cat_blob(struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo, FILE *outfile) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_blob_object *blob; err = got_object_open_as_blob(&blob, repo, id, 8192); if (err) return err; err = got_object_blob_dump_to_file(NULL, NULL, NULL, outfile, blob); got_object_blob_close(blob); return err; } static const struct got_error * cat_tree(struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo, FILE *outfile) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_tree_object *tree; int nentries, i; err = got_object_open_as_tree(&tree, repo, id); if (err) return err; nentries = got_object_tree_get_nentries(tree); for (i = 0; i < nentries; i++) { struct got_tree_entry *te; char *id_str; if (sigint_received || sigpipe_received) break; te = got_object_tree_get_entry(tree, i); err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, got_tree_entry_get_id(te)); if (err) break; fprintf(outfile, "%s %.7o %s\n", id_str, got_tree_entry_get_mode(te), got_tree_entry_get_name(te)); free(id_str); } got_object_tree_close(tree); return err; } static const struct got_error * cat_commit(struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo, FILE *outfile) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_commit_object *commit; const struct got_object_id_queue *parent_ids; struct got_object_qid *pid; char *id_str = NULL; const char *logmsg = NULL; err = got_object_open_as_commit(&commit, repo, id); if (err) return err; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, got_object_commit_get_tree_id(commit)); if (err) goto done; fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_COMMIT_LABEL_TREE, id_str); parent_ids = got_object_commit_get_parent_ids(commit); fprintf(outfile, "numparents %d\n", got_object_commit_get_nparents(commit)); SIMPLEQ_FOREACH(pid, parent_ids, entry) { char *pid_str; err = got_object_id_str(&pid_str, pid->id); if (err) goto done; fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_COMMIT_LABEL_PARENT, pid_str); free(pid_str); } fprintf(outfile, "%s%s %lld +0000\n", GOT_COMMIT_LABEL_AUTHOR, got_object_commit_get_author(commit), got_object_commit_get_author_time(commit)); fprintf(outfile, "%s%s %lld +0000\n", GOT_COMMIT_LABEL_COMMITTER, got_object_commit_get_author(commit), got_object_commit_get_committer_time(commit)); logmsg = got_object_commit_get_logmsg_raw(commit); fprintf(outfile, "messagelen %zd\n", strlen(logmsg)); fprintf(outfile, "%s", logmsg); done: free(id_str); got_object_commit_close(commit); return err; } static const struct got_error * cat_tag(struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo, FILE *outfile) { const struct got_error *err; struct got_tag_object *tag; char *id_str = NULL; const char *tagmsg = NULL; err = got_object_open_as_tag(&tag, repo, id); if (err) return err; err = got_object_id_str(&id_str, got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag)); if (err) goto done; fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_OBJECT, id_str); switch (got_object_tag_get_object_type(tag)) { case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB: fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_TYPE, GOT_OBJ_LABEL_BLOB); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TREE: fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_TYPE, GOT_OBJ_LABEL_TREE); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT: fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_TYPE, GOT_OBJ_LABEL_COMMIT); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TAG: fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_TYPE, GOT_OBJ_LABEL_TAG); break; default: break; } fprintf(outfile, "%s%s\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_TAG, got_object_tag_get_name(tag)); fprintf(outfile, "%s%s %lld +0000\n", GOT_TAG_LABEL_TAGGER, got_object_tag_get_tagger(tag), got_object_tag_get_tagger_time(tag)); tagmsg = got_object_tag_get_message(tag); fprintf(outfile, "messagelen %zd\n", strlen(tagmsg)); fprintf(outfile, "%s", tagmsg); done: free(id_str); got_object_tag_close(tag); return err; } static const struct got_error * cmd_cat(int argc, char *argv[]) { const struct got_error *error; struct got_repository *repo = NULL; struct got_worktree *worktree = NULL; char *cwd = NULL, *repo_path = NULL, *label = NULL; const char *commit_id_str = NULL; struct got_object_id *id = NULL, *commit_id = NULL; int ch, obj_type, i, force_path = 0; #ifndef PROFILE if (pledge("stdio rpath wpath cpath flock proc exec sendfd unveil", NULL) == -1) err(1, "pledge"); #endif while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "c:r:P")) != -1) { switch (ch) { case 'c': commit_id_str = optarg; break; case 'r': repo_path = realpath(optarg, NULL); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno2("realpath", optarg); got_path_strip_trailing_slashes(repo_path); break; case 'P': force_path = 1; break; default: usage_cat(); /* NOTREACHED */ } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; cwd = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (cwd == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); goto done; } error = got_worktree_open(&worktree, cwd); if (error && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_WORKTREE) goto done; if (worktree) { if (repo_path == NULL) { repo_path = strdup( got_worktree_get_repo_path(worktree)); if (repo_path == NULL) { error = got_error_from_errno("strdup"); goto done; } } } if (repo_path == NULL) { repo_path = getcwd(NULL, 0); if (repo_path == NULL) return got_error_from_errno("getcwd"); } error = got_repo_open(&repo, repo_path, NULL); free(repo_path); if (error != NULL) goto done; error = apply_unveil(got_repo_get_path(repo), 1, NULL); if (error) goto done; if (commit_id_str == NULL) commit_id_str = GOT_REF_HEAD; error = resolve_commit_arg(&commit_id, commit_id_str, repo); if (error) goto done; for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) { if (force_path) { error = got_object_id_by_path(&id, repo, commit_id, argv[i]); if (error) break; } else { error = match_object_id(&id, &label, argv[i], GOT_OBJ_TYPE_ANY, 0, repo); if (error) { if (error->code != GOT_ERR_BAD_OBJ_ID_STR && error->code != GOT_ERR_NOT_REF) break; error = got_object_id_by_path(&id, repo, commit_id, argv[i]); if (error) break; } } error = got_object_get_type(&obj_type, repo, id); if (error) break; switch (obj_type) { case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_BLOB: error = cat_blob(id, repo, stdout); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TREE: error = cat_tree(id, repo, stdout); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_COMMIT: error = cat_commit(id, repo, stdout); break; case GOT_OBJ_TYPE_TAG: error = cat_tag(id, repo, stdout); break; default: error = got_error(GOT_ERR_OBJ_TYPE); break; } if (error) break; free(label); label = NULL; free(id); id = NULL; } done: free(label); free(id); free(commit_id); if (worktree) got_worktree_close(worktree); if (repo) { const struct got_error *repo_error; repo_error = got_repo_close(repo); if (error == NULL) error = repo_error; } return error; }