commit - 02a7e21b3f3a4da1e7a12935ca467231cc145f46
commit + 0317ab6c0ce48babb19e46067d8677892bee130c
blob - 3d82b9f6c3907dadf515414ac9882e54f076f4ff
blob + 9480ca036e0727eb650ea94c3379acdcb64a26b1
--- gotadmin/gotadmin.c
+++ gotadmin/gotadmin.c
static const struct got_error *
-cleanup_progress(void *arg, int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged,
+cleanup_progress(void *arg, int ncommits, int nloose, int npurged,
int nredundant)
struct got_cleanup_progress_arg *a = arg;
int print_loose = 0, print_commits = 0, print_purged = 0;
int print_redundant = 0;
+ if (a->last_ncommits != ncommits) {
+ print_commits = 1;
+ a->last_ncommits = ncommits;
+ }
if (a->last_nloose != nloose) {
+ print_commits = 1;
print_loose = 1;
a->last_nloose = nloose;
- if (a->last_ncommits != ncommits) {
- print_loose = 1;
- print_commits = 1;
- a->last_ncommits = ncommits;
- }
if (a->last_npurged != npurged) {
- print_loose = 1;
print_commits = 1;
+ print_loose = 1;
print_purged = 1;
a->last_npurged = npurged;
if (a->last_nredundant != nredundant) {
- print_loose = 1;
print_commits = 1;
+ print_loose = 1;
print_purged = 1;
print_redundant = 1;
a->last_nredundant = nredundant;
if (print_loose || print_commits || print_purged || print_redundant)
- if (print_loose)
- printf("%d loose object%s", nloose, nloose == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (print_commits)
- printf("; %d commit%s scanned", ncommits,
+ printf("%d commit%s scanned", ncommits,
ncommits == 1 ? "" : "s");
+ if (print_loose)
+ printf("; %d loose object%s", nloose, nloose == 1 ? "" : "s");
if (print_purged || print_redundant) {
if (a->dry_run) {
printf("; could purge %d object%s", npurged,
int ch, dry_run = 0, verbosity = 0;
int ncommits = 0, nloose = 0, npacked = 0;
int remove_lonely_packidx = 0, ignore_mtime = 0;
- struct got_lockfile *lock = NULL;
struct got_cleanup_progress_arg cpa;
struct got_lonely_packidx_progress_arg lpa;
off_t loose_before, loose_after;
goto done;
- error = got_repo_cleanup_prepare(repo, &lock);
- if (error)
- goto done;
if (remove_lonely_packidx) {
memset(&lpa, 0, sizeof(lpa));
lpa.dry_run = dry_run;
memset(&cpa, 0, sizeof(cpa));
- cpa.last_ncommits = -1;
+ cpa.last_nloose = -1;
cpa.last_npurged = -1;
cpa.last_nredundant = -1;
cpa.dry_run = dry_run;
cpa.verbosity = verbosity;
- error = got_repo_purge_unreferenced_loose_objects(repo,
- &loose_before, &loose_after, &ncommits, &nloose, &npacked,
+ error = got_repo_cleanup(repo, &loose_before, &loose_after,
+ &pack_before, &pack_after, &ncommits, &nloose, &npacked,
dry_run, ignore_mtime, cleanup_progress, &cpa,
check_cancelled, NULL);
- if (error) {
- if (cpa.printed_something)
- printf("\n");
- goto done;
- }
- error = got_repo_purge_redundant_packfiles(repo, &pack_before,
- &pack_after, dry_run, ncommits, nloose, npacked,
- cleanup_progress, &cpa, check_cancelled, NULL);
if (cpa.printed_something)
if (error)
- got_repo_cleanup_complete(repo, lock);
if (repo)
if (pack_fds) {
blob - ea8cf37270d81a00cc006814c1e95430045f8277
blob + 7175f86e3c1f00b9b4d870af1638dc3f1068d951
--- include/got_repository_admin.h
+++ include/got_repository_admin.h
-struct got_lockfile;
/* A callback function which gets invoked with progress information to print. */
typedef const struct got_error *(*got_pack_progress_cb)(void *arg,
int ncolored, int nfound, int ntrees, off_t packfile_size, int ncommits,
struct got_repository *repo, got_pack_list_cb list_cb, void *list_arg,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg);
- * Prepare for removing loose objects or redundant packfiles.
- *
- * These functions do the necessary locking in order to avoid
- * concurrent operation to irremediably damage the repository.
- */
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_cleanup_prepare(struct got_repository *, struct got_lockfile **);
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_cleanup_complete(struct got_repository *, struct got_lockfile *);
/* A callback function which gets invoked with cleanup information to print. */
typedef const struct got_error *(*got_cleanup_progress_cb)(void *arg,
- int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged, int nredundant);
+ int ncommits, int nloose, int npurged, int nredundant);
* Walk objects reachable via references to determine whether any loose
* unless the dry_run parameter is set.
* Do not remove objects with a modification timestamp above an
* implementation-defined timestamp threshold, unless ignore_mtime is set.
- * Return the disk space size occupied by loose objects before and after
- * the operation.
+ * Remove packfiles which objects are either unreachable or provided
+ * by biggest pack files.
+ * Return the disk space size occupied by loose objects and pack files
+ * before and after the operation.
* Return the number of loose objects which are also stored in a pack file.
const struct got_error *
-got_repo_purge_unreferenced_loose_objects(struct got_repository *repo,
- off_t *size_before, off_t *size_after, int *ncommits, int *nloose,
+got_repo_cleanup(struct got_repository *repo,
+ off_t *loose_before, off_t *loose_after,
+ off_t *pack_before, off_t *pack_after,
+ int *ncommits, int *nloose,
int *npacked, int dry_run, int ignore_mtime,
got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg);
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_purge_redundant_packfiles(struct got_repository *repo,
- off_t *before, off_t *size_after, int dry_run,
- int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged,
- got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
- got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg);
/* A callback function which gets invoked with cleanup information to print. */
typedef const struct got_error *(*got_lonely_packidx_progress_cb)(void *arg,
const char *path);
blob - 19d5908c4cf536ad152ec319e3493ffdd5a1183d
blob + 1230b643fa320fa603fe0a8ed03d19e53a6b57e1
--- lib/repository_admin.c
+++ lib/repository_admin.c
return err;
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_cleanup_prepare(struct got_repository *repo,
- struct got_lockfile **lk)
+static const struct got_error *
+repo_cleanup_lock(struct got_repository *repo, struct got_lockfile **lk)
const struct got_error *err;
char myname[_POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX + 1];
return NULL;
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_cleanup_complete(struct got_repository *repo,
- struct got_lockfile *lk)
- if (lk == NULL)
- return NULL;
- return got_lockfile_unlock(lk, got_repo_get_fd(repo));
static const struct got_error *
report_cleanup_progress(got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb,
void *progress_arg, struct got_ratelimit *rl,
- int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged, int nredundant)
+ int ncommits, int nloose, int npurged, int nredundant)
const struct got_error *err;
int elapsed;
if (err || !elapsed)
return err;
- return progress_cb(progress_arg, nloose, ncommits, npurged, nredundant);
+ return progress_cb(progress_arg, ncommits, nloose, npurged,
+ nredundant);
static const struct got_error *
-get_loose_object_ids(struct got_object_idset **loose_ids, off_t *ondisk_size,
+get_loose_object_ids(struct got_object_idset **loose_ids,
+ off_t *ondisk_size, int ncommits,
got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
struct got_ratelimit *rl, struct got_repository *repo)
if (err)
goto done;
err = report_cleanup_progress(progress_cb,
- progress_arg, rl,
+ progress_arg, rl, ncommits,
- -1, -1, -1);
+ -1, -1);
if (err)
goto done;
static const struct got_error *
-preserve_loose_object(struct got_object_idset *loose_ids,
- struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo, int *npacked)
- const struct got_error *err = NULL;
- struct got_object *obj;
- if (!got_object_idset_contains(loose_ids, id))
- return NULL;
- /*
- * Try to open this object from a pack file. This ensures that
- * we do in fact have a valid packed copy of the object. Otherwise
- * we should not delete the loose representation of this object.
- */
- err = got_object_open_packed(&obj, id, repo);
- if (err == NULL) {
- got_object_close(obj);
- /*
- * The object is referenced and packed.
- * We can purge the redundantly stored loose object.
- */
- (*npacked)++;
- return NULL;
- } else if (err->code != GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ)
- return err;
- /*
- * This object is referenced and not packed.
- * Remove it from our purge set.
- */
- return got_object_idset_remove(NULL, loose_ids, id);
-static const struct got_error *
load_tree_entries(struct got_object_id_queue *ids,
- struct got_object_idset *loose_ids,
struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids, struct got_object_id *tree_id,
- const char *dpath, struct got_repository *repo, int *npacked,
+ const char *dpath, struct got_repository *repo,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
const struct got_error *err;
STAILQ_INSERT_TAIL(ids, qid, entry);
} else if (S_ISREG(mode)) {
/* This blob is referenced. */
- err = preserve_loose_object(loose_ids, id, repo,
- npacked);
- if (err)
- break;
err = got_object_idset_add(traversed_ids, id, NULL);
if (err)
static const struct got_error *
-load_tree(struct got_object_idset *loose_ids,
- struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids, struct got_object_id *tree_id,
- const char *dpath, struct got_repository *repo, int *npacked,
+load_tree(struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids,
+ struct got_object_id *tree_id,
+ const char *dpath, struct got_repository *repo,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
const struct got_error *err = NULL;
- /* This tree is referenced. */
- err = preserve_loose_object(loose_ids, &qid->id, repo, npacked);
- if (err)
- break;
- err = load_tree_entries(&tree_ids, loose_ids, traversed_ids,
- &qid->id, dpath, repo, npacked, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
+ err = load_tree_entries(&tree_ids, traversed_ids,
+ &qid->id, dpath, repo, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
if (err)
static const struct got_error *
-load_commit_or_tag(struct got_object_idset *loose_ids, int *ncommits,
- int *npacked, struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids,
+load_commit_or_tag(int *ncommits, struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids,
struct got_object_id *id, struct got_repository *repo,
got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
- struct got_ratelimit *rl, int nloose,
- got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
+ struct got_ratelimit *rl, got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
const struct got_error *err;
struct got_commit_object *commit = NULL;
if (err)
- /* This commit or tag is referenced. */
- err = preserve_loose_object(loose_ids, &qid->id, repo, npacked);
- if (err)
- break;
err = got_object_get_type(&obj_type, repo, &qid->id);
if (err)
* Tag points at something other than a
* commit or tree. Leave this weird tag object
- * and the object it points to on disk.
+ * and the object it points to.
- err = got_object_idset_remove(NULL, loose_ids,
- &qid->id);
- if (err && err->code != GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ)
+ if (got_object_idset_contains(traversed_ids,
+ got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag)))
+ break;
+ err = got_object_idset_add(traversed_ids,
+ got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag), NULL);
+ if (err)
goto done;
- err = got_object_idset_remove(NULL, loose_ids,
- got_object_tag_get_object_id(tag));
- if (err && err->code != GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ)
- goto done;
- err = NULL;
if (tree_id) {
- err = load_tree(loose_ids, traversed_ids, tree_id, "",
- repo, npacked, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
+ err = load_tree(traversed_ids, tree_id, "",
+ repo, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
if (err)
(*ncommits)++; /* scanned tags are counted as commits */
err = report_cleanup_progress(progress_cb, progress_arg, rl,
- nloose, *ncommits, -1, -1);
+ *ncommits, -1, -1, -1);
if (err)
return err;
+static const struct got_error *
+is_object_packed(int *packed, struct got_repository *repo,
+ struct got_object_id *id)
+ const struct got_error *err;
+ struct got_object *obj;
+ *packed = 0;
+ err = got_object_open_packed(&obj, id, repo);
+ if (err) {
+ if (err->code == GOT_ERR_NO_OBJ)
+ err = NULL;
+ return err;
+ }
+ got_object_close(obj);
+ *packed = 1;
+ return NULL;
struct purge_loose_object_arg {
struct got_repository *repo;
got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb;
void *progress_arg;
struct got_ratelimit *rl;
+ struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids;
int nloose;
int ncommits;
+ int npacked;
int npurged;
off_t size_purged;
int dry_run;
struct purge_loose_object_arg *a = arg;
const struct got_error *err, *unlock_err = NULL;
char *path = NULL;
- int fd = -1;
+ int packed, fd = -1;
struct stat sb;
struct got_lockfile *lf = NULL;
+ err = is_object_packed(&packed, a->repo, id);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ if (!packed && got_object_idset_contains(a->traversed_ids, id))
+ return NULL;
+ if (packed)
+ a->npacked++;
err = got_object_get_path(&path, id, a->repo);
if (err)
return err;
a->size_purged += sb.st_size;
err = report_cleanup_progress(a->progress_cb, a->progress_arg,
- a->rl, a->nloose, a->ncommits, a->npurged, -1);
+ a->rl, a->ncommits, a->nloose, a->npurged, -1);
if (err)
goto done;
return err ? err : unlock_err;
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_purge_unreferenced_loose_objects(struct got_repository *repo,
- off_t *size_before, off_t *size_after, int *ncommits, int *nloose,
- int *npacked, int dry_run, int ignore_mtime,
+static const struct got_error *
+repo_purge_unreferenced_loose_objects(struct got_repository *repo,
+ struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids,
+ off_t *size_before, off_t *size_after, int ncommits, int *nloose,
+ int *npacked, int *npurged, int dry_run, int ignore_mtime,
+ time_t max_mtime, struct got_ratelimit *rl,
got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
const struct got_error *err;
struct got_object_idset *loose_ids;
- struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids;
- struct got_object_id **referenced_ids;
- int i, nreferenced;
- struct got_reflist_head refs;
- struct got_reflist_entry *re;
struct purge_loose_object_arg arg;
- time_t max_mtime = 0;
- struct got_ratelimit rl;
- TAILQ_INIT(&refs);
- got_ratelimit_init(&rl, 0, 500);
- *size_before = 0;
- *size_after = 0;
- *npacked = 0;
- err = get_loose_object_ids(&loose_ids, size_before,
- progress_cb, progress_arg, &rl, repo);
+ err = get_loose_object_ids(&loose_ids, size_before, ncommits,
+ progress_cb, progress_arg, rl, repo);
if (err)
return err;
*nloose = got_object_idset_num_elements(loose_ids);
return NULL;
- traversed_ids = got_object_idset_alloc();
- if (traversed_ids == NULL) {
- err = got_error_from_errno("got_object_idset_alloc");
- goto done;
- }
- err = got_ref_list(&refs, repo, "", got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL);
- if (err)
- goto done;
- if (!ignore_mtime) {
- TAILQ_FOREACH(re, &refs, entry) {
- time_t mtime = got_ref_get_mtime(re->ref);
- if (mtime > max_mtime)
- max_mtime = mtime;
- }
- /*
- * For safety, keep objects created within 10 minutes
- * before the youngest reference was created.
- */
- if (max_mtime >= 600)
- max_mtime -= 600;
- }
- err = get_reflist_object_ids(&referenced_ids, &nreferenced,
- &refs, repo, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
- if (err)
- goto done;
- for (i = 0; i < nreferenced; i++) {
- struct got_object_id *id = referenced_ids[i];
- err = load_commit_or_tag(loose_ids, ncommits, npacked,
- traversed_ids, id, repo, progress_cb, progress_arg, &rl,
- *nloose, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
- if (err)
- goto done;
- }
- /* Any remaining loose objects are unreferenced and can be purged. */
+ memset(&arg, 0, sizeof(arg));
arg.repo = repo;
arg.progress_arg = progress_arg;
arg.progress_cb = progress_cb;
- arg.rl = &rl;
+ arg.rl = rl;
+ arg.traversed_ids = traversed_ids;
arg.nloose = *nloose;
+ arg.npacked = 0;
arg.npurged = 0;
arg.size_purged = 0;
- arg.ncommits = *ncommits;
arg.dry_run = dry_run;
arg.max_mtime = max_mtime;
arg.ignore_mtime = ignore_mtime;
err = got_object_idset_for_each(loose_ids, purge_loose_object, &arg);
if (err)
goto done;
*size_after = *size_before - arg.size_purged;
+ *npacked = arg.npacked;
+ *npurged = arg.npurged;
/* Produce a final progress report. */
if (progress_cb) {
- err = progress_cb(progress_arg, *nloose, *ncommits, arg.npurged,
- -1);
+ err = progress_cb(progress_arg, ncommits, *nloose,
+ arg.npurged, -1);
if (err)
goto done;
- got_object_idset_free(traversed_ids);
return err;
static const struct got_error *
pack_is_redundant(int *redundant, struct got_repository *repo,
+ struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids,
const char *packidx_path, struct got_object_idset *idset)
const struct got_error *err;
if (got_object_idset_contains(idset, &id))
+ if (!got_object_idset_contains(traversed_ids, &id))
+ continue;
*redundant = 0;
err = got_object_idset_add(idset, &id, NULL);
if (err)
return 1;
-const struct got_error *
-got_repo_purge_redundant_packfiles(struct got_repository *repo,
+static const struct got_error *
+repo_purge_redundant_packfiles(struct got_repository *repo,
+ struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids,
off_t *size_before, off_t *size_after, int dry_run,
- int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged,
+ int nloose, int ncommits, int npurged, struct got_ratelimit *rl,
got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
struct got_pathlist_entry *pe;
size_t i, npacks;
int remove, redundant_packs = 0;
- struct got_ratelimit rl;
- got_ratelimit_init(&rl, 0, 500);
- *size_before = 0;
- *size_after = 0;
npacks = 0;
TAILQ_FOREACH(pe, &repo->packidx_paths, entry)
- err = pack_is_redundant(&remove, repo, sorted[i].path, idset);
+ err = pack_is_redundant(&remove, repo, traversed_ids,
+ sorted[i].path, idset);
if (err)
goto done;
err = purge_redundant_pack(repo, sorted[i].path, dry_run,
if (!remove)
err = report_cleanup_progress(progress_cb, progress_arg,
- &rl, nloose, ncommits, npurged, ++redundant_packs);
+ rl, ncommits, nloose, npurged, ++redundant_packs);
if (err)
goto done;
/* Produce a final progress report. */
if (progress_cb) {
- err = progress_cb(progress_arg, nloose, ncommits, npurged,
+ err = progress_cb(progress_arg, ncommits, nloose, npurged,
if (err)
goto done;
const struct got_error *
+got_repo_cleanup(struct got_repository *repo,
+ off_t *loose_before, off_t *loose_after,
+ off_t *pack_before, off_t *pack_after,
+ int *ncommits, int *nloose, int *npacked, int dry_run, int ignore_mtime,
+ got_cleanup_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
+ got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
+ const struct got_error *unlock_err, *err = NULL;
+ struct got_lockfile *lk = NULL;
+ struct got_ratelimit rl;
+ struct got_reflist_head refs;
+ struct got_object_idset *traversed_ids = NULL;
+ struct got_reflist_entry *re;
+ struct got_object_id **referenced_ids;
+ int i, nreferenced;
+ int npurged = 0;
+ time_t max_mtime = 0;
+ TAILQ_INIT(&refs);
+ got_ratelimit_init(&rl, 0, 500);
+ *loose_before = 0;
+ *loose_after = 0;
+ *pack_before = 0;
+ *pack_after = 0;
+ *ncommits = 0;
+ *nloose = 0;
+ *npacked = 0;
+ err = repo_cleanup_lock(repo, &lk);
+ if (err)
+ return err;
+ traversed_ids = got_object_idset_alloc();
+ if (traversed_ids == NULL) {
+ err = got_error_from_errno("got_object_idset_alloc");
+ goto done;
+ }
+ err = got_ref_list(&refs, repo, "", got_ref_cmp_by_name, NULL);
+ if (err)
+ goto done;
+ if (!ignore_mtime) {
+ TAILQ_FOREACH(re, &refs, entry) {
+ time_t mtime = got_ref_get_mtime(re->ref);
+ if (mtime > max_mtime)
+ max_mtime = mtime;
+ }
+ /*
+ * For safety, keep objects created within 10 minutes
+ * before the youngest reference was created.
+ */
+ if (max_mtime >= 600)
+ max_mtime -= 600;
+ }
+ err = get_reflist_object_ids(&referenced_ids, &nreferenced,
+ &refs, repo, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
+ if (err)
+ goto done;
+ for (i = 0; i < nreferenced; i++) {
+ struct got_object_id *id = referenced_ids[i];
+ err = load_commit_or_tag(ncommits, traversed_ids,
+ id, repo, progress_cb, progress_arg, &rl,
+ cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
+ if (err)
+ goto done;
+ }
+ err = repo_purge_unreferenced_loose_objects(repo, traversed_ids,
+ loose_before, loose_after, *ncommits, nloose, npacked, &npurged,
+ dry_run, ignore_mtime, max_mtime, &rl, progress_cb, progress_arg,
+ cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
+ if (err)
+ goto done;
+ err = repo_purge_redundant_packfiles(repo, traversed_ids,
+ pack_before, pack_after, dry_run, *nloose, *ncommits, npurged,
+ &rl, progress_cb, progress_arg, cancel_cb, cancel_arg);
+ if (err)
+ goto done;
+ done:
+ if (lk) {
+ unlock_err = got_lockfile_unlock(lk, got_repo_get_fd(repo));
+ if (err == NULL)
+ err = unlock_err;
+ }
+ if (traversed_ids)
+ got_object_idset_free(traversed_ids);
+ return err;
+const struct got_error *
got_repo_remove_lonely_packidx(struct got_repository *repo, int dry_run,
got_lonely_packidx_progress_cb progress_cb, void *progress_arg,
got_cancel_cb cancel_cb, void *cancel_arg)
blob - f6ddbb9657a29cfb443245457d038aee5b06d364
blob + 757a755adad5a2bca886449ea29bc283017dd221
--- regress/cmdline/
+++ regress/cmdline/
gotadmin pack -a -r "$testroot/repo" >/dev/null
gotadmin pack -a -r "$testroot/repo" >/dev/null
- gotadmin cleanup -r "$testroot/repo" | grep 'pack files? purged' \
- | tail -1 > $testroot/stdout
+ # create another one with unreachable objects
+ (cd "$testroot/repo" && git checkout -q -b tempbranch)
+ echo "modified alpha on tempbranch" >$testroot/repo/alpha
+ git_commit "$testroot/repo" -m "edit alpha on tempbranch"
+ gotadmin pack -a -r "$testroot/repo" >/dev/null
+ (cd "$testroot/repo" && git checkout -q master)
+ (cd "$testroot/repo" && got branch -d tempbranch) >/dev/null
- echo "5 pack files purged" > $testroot/stdout.expected
- if cmp -s "$testroot/stdout.expected" "$testroot/stdout"; then
- diff -u "$testroot/stdout.expected" "$testroot/stdout"
- test_done "$testroot" 1
- return 1
- fi
+ gotadmin cleanup -q -r "$testroot/repo"
n=$(gotadmin info -r "$testroot/repo" | awk '/^pack files/{print $3}')
if [ "$n" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "expected 2 pack files left, $n found instead" >&2
gotadmin pack -r "$testroot/repo" >/dev/null
- gotadmin cleanup -r "$testroot/repo" | grep 'pack files? purged' \
- | tail -1 > $testroot/stdout
+ gotadmin cleanup -q -r "$testroot/repo"
- echo "0 pack files purged" > $testroot/stdout.expected
- if cmp -s "$testroot/stdout.expected" "$testroot/stdout"; then
- diff -u "$testroot/stdout.expected" "$testroot/stdout"
- test_done "$testroot" 1
- return 1
- fi
n=$(gotadmin info -r "$testroot/repo" | awk '/^pack files/{print $3}')
if [ "$n" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "expected 3 pack files left, $n found instead" >&2
gotadmin pack -a -x master -r "$testroot/repo" >/dev/null
- gotadmin cleanup -r "$testroot/repo" | grep 'pack files? purged' \
- | tail -1 > $testroot/stdout
- echo "6 pack files purged" > $testroot/stdout.expected
- if cmp -s "$testroot/stdout.expected" "$testroot/stdout"; then
- diff -u "$testroot/stdout.expected" "$testroot/stdout"
- test_done "$testroot" 1
- return 1
- fi
+ gotadmin cleanup -q -r "$testroot/repo"
n=$(gotadmin info -r "$testroot/repo" | awk '/^pack files/{print $3}')
if [ "$n" -ne 3 ]; then
echo "expected 3 pack files left, $n found instead" >&2