commit - c254f08cfde4575dac4fdda0bea1175ab6171608
commit + 0c70b22b8b6c6545fc32677adf1399090fee7273
blob - 9479d3112b7ca78b893d54f7948605a4e532da35
blob + 375e1b98cb5964fd4d7c3d4c3cd4e1497d56fd89
--- include/diff_main.h
+++ include/diff_main.h
/* Form a result with all left-side removed and all right-side added, i.e. no
* actual diff algorithm involved. */
int diff_algo_none(const struct diff_algo_config *algo_config,
- struct diff_state *state);
+ struct diff_state *state);
/* Myers Diff tracing from the start all the way through to the end, requiring
* quadratic amounts of memory. This can fail if the required space surpasses
* algo_config->permitted_state_size. */
extern int diff_algo_myers(const struct diff_algo_config *algo_config,
- struct diff_state *state);
+ struct diff_state *state);
/* Myers "Divide et Impera": tracing forwards from the start and backwards from
* the end to find a midpoint that divides the problem into smaller chunks.