commit - 9587e6cc5169e6d39431fd1066097fd3f04e5d51
commit + 22d6be814cfc21a663987c0dcb547f99e48a9860
blob - 02acb5b14f9b116de16f3ff0fe380929aada9a65
blob + 60c2fe2112e4894fe1de34af7dbac25645575419
--- regress/cmdline/
+++ regress/cmdline/
test_done "$testroot" 0
+test_backout_logmsg_ref() {
+ local testroot=`test_init backout_logmsg_ref`
+ got checkout $testroot/repo $testroot/wt > /dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git checkout -q -b newbranch)
+ echo "modified delta on branch" > $testroot/repo/gamma/delta
+ echo "modified alpha on branch" > $testroot/repo/alpha
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git rm -q beta)
+ echo "new file on branch" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git add epsilon/new)
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit changes on newbranch"
+ local commit_time=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch_rev=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ echo "modified new file on branch" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit modified new file on newbranch"
+ local commit_time2=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch_rev2=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout $branch_rev > /dev/null)
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout $branch_rev2 > /dev/null)
+ # show all backout log message refs in the work tree
+ local sep="-----------------------------------------------"
+ local logmsg="commit changes on newbranch"
+ local changeset=" M alpha\n D beta\n A epsilon/new\n M gamma/delta"
+ local logmsg2="commit modified new file on newbranch"
+ local changeset2=" M epsilon/new"
+ local date=`date -u -r $commit_time +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ local date2=`date -u -r $commit_time2 +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ local ymd=`date -u -r $commit_time +"%F"`
+ local short_id=$(printf '%.7s' $branch_rev)
+ local ymd2=`date -u -r $commit_time2 +"%F"`
+ local short_id2="newbranch"
+ local sorted=$(printf "$branch_rev\n$branch_rev2" | sort)
+ for r in $sorted; do
+ echo $sep >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ if [ $r == $branch_rev ]; then
+ echo "commit $r" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ # for forthcoming wt 'backout -X' test
+ echo "deleted: $ymd $short_id $logmsg" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.wt_deleted
+ else
+ echo "commit $r (newbranch)" \
+ >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg2\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset2\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ # for forthcoming wt 'backout -X' test
+ echo "deleted: $ymd2 $short_id2 $logmsg2" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.wt_deleted
+ fi
+ done
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # only show log message ref of the specified commit id
+ echo $sep > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "commit $branch_rev" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout -l $branch_rev > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # only show log message ref of the specified symref
+ echo $sep > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "commit $branch_rev2 (newbranch)" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg2\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset2\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout -l "newbranch" > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # create a second work tree with backed-out commits and ensure
+ # bo -l within the new work tree only shows the refs it created
+ got checkout $testroot/repo $testroot/wt2 > /dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git checkout -q -b newbranch2)
+ echo "modified delta on branch2" > $testroot/repo/gamma/delta
+ echo "modified alpha on branch2" > $testroot/repo/alpha
+ echo "new file on branch2" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new2
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git add epsilon/new2)
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit changes on newbranch2"
+ local b2_commit_time=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch2_rev=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ echo "modified file new2 on branch2" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new2
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit modified file new2 on newbranch2"
+ local b2_commit_time2=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch2_rev2=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got backout $branch2_rev > /dev/null)
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got backout $branch2_rev2 > /dev/null)
+ local b2_logmsg="commit changes on newbranch2"
+ local b2_changeset=" M alpha\n A epsilon/new2\n M gamma/delta"
+ local b2_logmsg2="commit modified file new2 on newbranch2"
+ local b2_changeset2=" M epsilon/new2"
+ date=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ date2=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time2 +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ sorted=$(printf "$branch2_rev\n$branch2_rev2" | sort)
+ echo -n > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ for r in $sorted; do
+ echo $sep >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ if [ $r == $branch2_rev ]; then
+ echo "commit $r" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $b2_logmsg\n \n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$b2_changeset\n\n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ else
+ echo "commit $r (newbranch2)" \
+ >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $b2_logmsg2\n \n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$b2_changeset2\n\n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ fi
+ done
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got backout -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # ensure both wt and wt2 logmsg refs can be retrieved from the repo
+ sorted=`printf \
+ "$branch_rev\n$branch_rev2\n$branch2_rev\n$branch2_rev2" | sort`
+ echo -n > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ for r in $sorted; do
+ echo "commit $r" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ done
+ (cd $testroot/repo && got backout -l | grep ^commit | \
+ sort | cut -f1,2 -d' ' > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # delete logmsg ref of the specified commit in work tree 2
+ ymd=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time +"%F"`
+ short_id=$(printf '%.7s' $branch2_rev)
+ echo "deleted: $ymd $short_id $b2_logmsg" > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got backout -X $branch2_rev > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # delete all logmsg refs in work tree 1
+ (cd $testroot && mv stdout.wt_deleted stdout.expected)
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout -X > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # confirm all work tree 1 refs were deleted
+ echo -n > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got backout -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # make sure the remaining ref in work tree 2 was not also deleted
+ echo $sep > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "commit $branch2_rev2 (newbranch2)" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $b2_logmsg2\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$b2_changeset2\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got backout -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # ensure we can delete work tree refs from the repository dir
+ ymd=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time2 +"%F"`
+ echo "deleted: $ymd newbranch2 $b2_logmsg2" > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/repo && got backout -X > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ fi
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
test_parseargs "$@"
run_test test_backout_basic
run_test test_backout_edits_for_file_since_deleted
run_test test_backout_next_commit
run_test test_backout_umask
+run_test test_backout_logmsg_ref
blob - 464cd2159b38557b4fa61c2ac402ba344ba16d43
blob + d36bcf4ddec05c9f151ca0e3e270926eb27b2b2c
--- regress/cmdline/
+++ regress/cmdline/
test_done "$testroot" 0
+test_cherrypick_logmsg_ref() {
+ local testroot=`test_init cherrypick_logmsg_ref`
+ got checkout $testroot/repo $testroot/wt > /dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git checkout -q -b newbranch)
+ echo "modified delta on branch" > $testroot/repo/gamma/delta
+ echo "modified alpha on branch" > $testroot/repo/alpha
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git rm -q beta)
+ echo "new file on branch" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git add epsilon/new)
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit changes on newbranch"
+ local commit_time=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch_rev=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ echo "modified new file on branch" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit modified new file on newbranch"
+ local commit_time2=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch_rev2=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick $branch_rev > /dev/null)
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick $branch_rev2 > /dev/null)
+ # show all log message refs in the work tree
+ local sep="-----------------------------------------------"
+ local logmsg="commit changes on newbranch"
+ local changeset=" M alpha\n D beta\n A epsilon/new\n M gamma/delta"
+ local logmsg2="commit modified new file on newbranch"
+ local changeset2=" M epsilon/new"
+ local date=`date -u -r $commit_time +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ local date2=`date -u -r $commit_time2 +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ local ymd=`date -u -r $commit_time +"%F"`
+ local short_id=$(printf '%.7s' $branch_rev)
+ local ymd2=`date -u -r $commit_time2 +"%F"`
+ local short_id2="newbranch"
+ local sorted=$(printf "$branch_rev\n$branch_rev2" | sort)
+ for r in $sorted; do
+ echo $sep >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ if [ $r == $branch_rev ]; then
+ echo "commit $r" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ # for forthcoming wt 'cherrypick -X' test
+ echo "deleted: $ymd $short_id $logmsg" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.wt_deleted
+ else
+ echo "commit $r (newbranch)" \
+ >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg2\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset2\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ # for forthcoming wt 'cherrypick -X' test
+ echo "deleted: $ymd2 $short_id2 $logmsg2" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.wt_deleted
+ fi
+ done
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # only show log message ref of the specified commit id
+ echo $sep > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "commit $branch_rev" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick -l $branch_rev > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # only show log message ref of the specified symref
+ echo $sep > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "commit $branch_rev2 (newbranch)" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $logmsg2\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$changeset2\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick -l "newbranch" > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # create a second work tree with cherrypicked commits and ensure
+ # cy -l within the new work tree only shows the refs it created
+ got checkout $testroot/repo $testroot/wt2 > /dev/null
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git checkout -q -b newbranch2)
+ echo "modified delta on branch2" > $testroot/repo/gamma/delta
+ echo "modified alpha on branch2" > $testroot/repo/alpha
+ echo "new file on branch2" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new2
+ (cd $testroot/repo && git add epsilon/new2)
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit changes on newbranch2"
+ local b2_commit_time=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch2_rev=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ echo "modified file new2 on branch2" > $testroot/repo/epsilon/new2
+ git_commit $testroot/repo -m "commit modified file new2 on newbranch2"
+ local b2_commit_time2=`git_show_author_time $testroot/repo`
+ local branch2_rev2=`git_show_head $testroot/repo`
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got cherrypick $branch2_rev > /dev/null)
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got cherrypick $branch2_rev2 > /dev/null)
+ local b2_logmsg="commit changes on newbranch2"
+ local b2_changeset=" M alpha\n A epsilon/new2\n M gamma/delta"
+ local b2_logmsg2="commit modified file new2 on newbranch2"
+ local b2_changeset2=" M epsilon/new2"
+ date=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ date2=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time2 +"%a %b %e %X %Y UTC"`
+ sorted=$(printf "$branch2_rev\n$branch2_rev2" | sort)
+ echo -n > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ for r in $sorted; do
+ echo $sep >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ if [ $r == $branch2_rev ]; then
+ echo "commit $r" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $b2_logmsg\n \n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$b2_changeset\n\n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ else
+ echo "commit $r (newbranch2)" \
+ >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $b2_logmsg2\n \n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$b2_changeset2\n\n" >> \
+ $testroot/stdout.expected
+ fi
+ done
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got cherrypick -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # ensure both wt and wt2 logmsg refs can be retrieved from the repo
+ sorted=`printf \
+ "$branch_rev\n$branch_rev2\n$branch2_rev\n$branch2_rev2" | sort`
+ echo -n > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ for r in $sorted; do
+ echo "commit $r" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ done
+ (cd $testroot/repo && got cherrypick -l | grep ^commit | \
+ sort | cut -f1,2 -d' ' > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # delete logmsg ref of the specified commit in work tree 2
+ ymd=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time +"%F"`
+ short_id=$(printf '%.7s' $branch2_rev)
+ echo "deleted: $ymd $short_id $b2_logmsg" > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got cherrypick -X $branch2_rev > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # delete all logmsg refs in work tree 1
+ (cd $testroot && mv stdout.wt_deleted stdout.expected)
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick -X > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # confirm all work tree 1 refs were deleted
+ echo -n > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt && got cherrypick -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # make sure the remaining ref in work tree 2 was not also deleted
+ echo $sep > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "commit $branch2_rev2 (newbranch2)" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "from: $GOT_AUTHOR" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ echo "date: $date2" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf " \n $b2_logmsg2\n \n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ printf "$b2_changeset2\n\n" >> $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/wt2 && got cherrypick -l > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
+ return 1
+ fi
+ # ensure we can delete work tree refs from the repository dir
+ ymd=`date -u -r $b2_commit_time2 +"%F"`
+ echo "deleted: $ymd newbranch2 $b2_logmsg2" > $testroot/stdout.expected
+ (cd $testroot/repo && got cherrypick -X > $testroot/stdout)
+ cmp -s $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ ret=$?
+ if [ $ret -ne 0 ]; then
+ diff -u $testroot/stdout.expected $testroot/stdout
+ fi
+ test_done "$testroot" "$ret"
test_parseargs "$@"
run_test test_cherrypick_basic
run_test test_cherrypick_root_commit
run_test test_cherrypick_dot_on_a_line_by_itself
run_test test_cherrypick_binary_file
run_test test_cherrypick_umask
+run_test test_cherrypick_logmsg_ref