Commit Diff

commit - 0ec0e499ac07b3fa388b786eb0cb489bd810df26
commit + 6c9ac7298bef21a113492d75f7f7208f0e6fb808
blob - 12c274d421677eff9a42c38aee350a5a550b90b6
blob + 9d4cb0f44191c5d43a03d3c15ca8fdd858782b06
--- TODO
+++ TODO
@@ -48,6 +48,8 @@ gotwebd:
   set for everything traversed in the repo to have fast reverse-lookups.
   (has the additional requirement to invalidate it when the reference
   timestamp changes)
+- reply with 404 on some kind of errors ('reference not found' for sure,
+  maybe also tree entry not found?)
 - run-time changes of addresses on interfaces are being ignored by gotwebd
 - perhaps "bind interface" should be removed in favour of using only IP
   addresses? This makes the address family selection explicit and avoids