commit - 4ed9f6144de87b2c060570a77f86e076b927934e
commit + 890ea719897968f2944bdec3228a3ef942c7f46b
blob - 1ff79c320b05ec288c7e1d7305735e86a9682cc6
blob + 199799e863ff940ade5b6aa53603a82a95795c4b
--- got/got.1
+++ got/got.1
.Cm got update
must be used first in order to merge local changes with changes made
in the repository.
-If changes have been staged with
-.Cm got stage ,
-.Cm got commit
-command will refuse to commit any paths which do not have staged changes.
.It Cm ci
Short alias for
.Cm commit .
Paths may be staged if they are added, modified, or deleted according to
.Cm got status .
-Staged changes affect the behaviour of the
+Staged changes affect the behaviour of
.Cm got commit ,
.Cm got status ,