Commit Diff

commit - 710504c4350395d77653d39e7cb5f9680c38e0a1
commit + e4fc48c82e094cf58b242cc5ec526bd4c924a9c4
blob - f5b5279a90abed6966ecb3d83397bc32259dec06
blob + 9ee9297cf5f5dbbadf1998b6aab391b332414d20
--- notes-pull-push
+++ notes-pull-push
@@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ added where no blob exists yet, and only existing blob
 (As an analogy, this part of gotd(8) would operate roughly like some
 sort of Gerrit server with merge strategy set to 'rebase-if-necessary',
-but without a code review UI and without Java.)
+but without a code review UI and without Java. Also, the fossil SCM
+has already implemented an implied-push-on-commit design.)
 gotd(8) would also regulate read/write access to branches and perform
 various sanity checks on commits: require a log message, reject merge